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本项目提出并研究了利用建设发生土作为压密固结砂桩填充材料进行地基处理的方法。研究了建设发生土作为压密固结砂桩填充材料进行地基处理过程中压密固结砂桩的物理特性和工学性能,提出了用建设发生土进行土的类别划分后,把作为建筑弃土的黏性土按比例掺入到优质砂中,作为固结砂桩的填充材料,形成了黏土含量大于5%的固结砂桩经地基加固的观点,进行了固结砂桩填料的颗粒级配测试,细颗粒含量测试,塑性指数测试,进行了三轴压缩试验和渗透性试验,发现剪切抵抗角越大,细颗粒含量越小;剪切抵抗角越大,塑性指数越小;渗透系数越大,细颗粒含量越小;渗透系数越大,塑性指数越小。深入研究了利用建设发生土进行地基加固的机理和密实填充与松散填充的机理。利用建设发生土进行地基加固的结果,既节约了大量的优质砂,又减少了砂资源的过量开采,同时也减少了建筑垃圾的外运量,减少和保护了环境污染,符合资源节约型社会的发展要求。 The project proposed and studied the use of construction of soil as a compacted consolidated sand pile filling material for ground treatment methods. The physical characteristics and engineering properties of compacted consolidated sand pile during the foundation treatment of compacted consolidated sand pile were studied. The classification of soil with construction-occurring soil was proposed. After classification of soil as construction spoil Of the clay is proportionally mixed into the high-quality sand as a filler for the consolidated sand pile to form a consolidation of the consolidated sand pile with a clay content of more than 5% With the test of the content of fine particles and the plasticity index, the triaxial compression test and permeability test were carried out. It was found that the larger the shear resistance angle and the smaller the content of fine particles, the larger the shear resistance angle, the smaller the plasticity index. The larger the coefficient, the smaller the content of fine particles; the larger the permeability coefficient, the smaller the plasticity index. In-depth study of the use of construction of soil to strengthen the mechanism of foundation consolidation and dense filling and loose filling mechanism. The use of soil for construction to reinforce the foundation will not only save a lot of high-quality sand but also reduce the excessive exploitation of sand resources, meanwhile reduce the volume of construction rubbish outbound, reduce and protect the environmental pollution, and be in line with a resource-saving society Development requirements.
哲理的故事:  许多年前,一个华裔年轻人在西雅图华盛顿大学拿到了博士学位。随后他在当地一个广告公司找到了一份大众传播的工作。幸运的是,与年轻人经常来往的三个重要客户——微软、星巴克、波音,很快都发现他是一个可造之才,于是都伸出了橄榄枝,要聘他到自己的公司里。微软和星巴克很快给年轻人寄来了正式聘用文书,文书里特别说明了工作待遇有多么丰厚。当时,进微软是所有年轻人的梦想,因为进去就代表前途无忧。就在年
陕西省召开“夯实基础设施建设基础”研讨会@洛泽华 Shaanxi Province held a “foundation to consolidate the infrastructure” seminar @ Luo Zehua
去巴黎———我们一直在等待这一天。可是 ,临行那天 ,还在忙些和法国绝对没有关系的事情。在被飞机起飞的时间表逼到非走不可的时候 ,我才匆匆在地球仪上找出巴黎的纬度 ,以