The Hydrodynamic Computation on Moving Base Vertical Launching of an Underwater Missile

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanjzh
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In order to study the effects of lateral flow on the underwater missile vertical launching process considering the hydrodynamic effect,a horizontal fluid dynamics model was developed.We offered the numerical computation method in this process by using the fluent of CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)software.Based on the specific examples,we carried out the computation of the model’s drag coefficient,lift coefficient and pitching moment with its launching process.The computation results agree with the results of the experiment and the error between them is less than 10%.It shows that this computation method is viable and can be used in the system design,and the analysis of missile motion and basic structure intensity. In order to study the effects of lateral flow on the underwater missile vertical launching process considering the hydrodynamic effect, a horizontal fluid dynamics model was developed. We offered the numerical computation method in this process by using the fluent of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) software . Based on the specific examples, we carried out the computation of the model’s drag coefficient, lift coefficient and pitching moment with its launching process. The computation results agree with the results of the experiment and the error between them is less than than 10% .It shows that this computation method is viable and can be used in the system design, and the analysis of missile motion and basic structure intensity.
在我的记忆里,父亲一回到家里,不是看书,就是伏案写作。而我则是在母亲的怀抱里长大的,父亲很少抱我。不仅如此,父亲还有一个“怪癖”:他喜欢用手指丈量我的身长。这个“怪癖”从我出生那天起,一直持续到我上大学之前。  父亲给我丈量身长的时候,一定要让我躺下,双腿伸直。等一切妥当之后,父亲便伸开中指和大拇指,从脚跟儿一直量到头顶。小时候,我以为父亲是在与我逗着玩儿,因此也不觉得什么。当父亲那布满厚茧的指尖
近年来,众高校竞相开设热门专业,造成该专业人才过剩,毕业即失业成了不少大学生的现实写照。与之形成鲜明对比的是,一些“其貌不扬”的冷门工学专业却屡屡上演“逆袭”好戏,超过90%的超高对口就业率更是羡煞旁专业,成为当之无愧的“绿牌专业”。  资源勘查工程  培养目标:培养能在资源勘查、开发(开采)与管理等领域,从事固体、液体、气体矿产资源勘查和评价以及管理等方面工作的高级工程技术人才。  主要课程:地
澳大利亚已经申请并批准购买57门M777A2轻型牵引火炮以及相关的零配件。据美国国防安全合作署消息,合同值可能达到24 800万元美元。该合同包括57门155 mm M777A2轻型牵引火炮