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应用荧光显微镜法,首次对济阳坳陷下第三系泥质岩中有机质的赋存状态进行了研究。下第三系泥质岩有机质的赋存状态可划分为顺层富集型、分散型和局部富集型等三种类型。有机质呈顺层富集型分布的泥质岩,其有机质丰度大多较高,主要沉积于半深湖—深湖相中。有机质呈分散型分布的泥质岩,其有机质丰度变化范围较大,大多形成在河流—三角洲相、滨—浅湖相或浊流沉积中。结合部分揭示泥质岩封盖能力的定量分析数据,下第三系泥质岩可概括出以下三种不同的组合特点:①泥质岩中有机质丰度高且有机质呈顺层富集型状态赋存时,泥质岩封盖能力差;② 泥质岩有机质丰度高且有机质呈分散型状态赋存时,泥质岩具有一定的封盖能力;③ 泥质岩有机质丰度低且有机质呈分散型状态赋存时,泥质岩封盖能力较好,因此,泥质岩中有机质的赋存状态对泥质岩的封盖能力有着不可忽视的影响。在研究评价泥质岩对油气藏的封盖能力时可作为重要的依据之一。 Using fluorescence microscopy, the occurrence of organic matter in Tertiary mudstone under the Jiyang depression was studied for the first time. Lower Tertiary argillaceous organic matter occurrence state can be divided into the next layer enrichment, decentralized and local enrichment of three types. The organic matter is argillaceous with conformal distribution and its abundance of organic matter is mostly high. It is mainly deposited in semi-deep lacustrine-deep lacustrine facies. The organic matter is dispersedly distributed in the muddy rocks, and its abundance range of organic matter varies greatly, mostly formed in river-delta facies, coastal-shallow lacustrine facies or turbidite sediments. According to the quantitative analysis data of the cap-sealing ability of the mudstone, the lower Tertiary mudstone can be summarized in the following three different combinations: (1) the organic matter in the mudstone is high in abundance and the organic matter is in the bedding-rich state The abyssal sedimentary ability of shale rock is poor. (2) When the organic matter abundance of mudstone is high and the organic matter is dispersed, the shale rock has a certain sealing ability. (3) The organic matter of shale rock is low in organic matter content In the dispersed state, the argillaceous captivity is better, so the occurrence state of organic matter in argillaceous rock has a significant impact on the capping ability of argillaceous rocks. It can be used as one of the important bases in the study on the assessment of cap-sealing ability of shale to reservoirs.
美国化学文摘社采集部 (CASAcquisitions )JodiSchneider先生在 2 0 0 1 - 0 1 - 1 2发给中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会对外联络委员会的电子邮件中 ,提供了《化学文摘》2 0 0 0年收录中国期刊名单 ,总
综述 微系统科技的发展及电化学的新应用田昭武 ,林华水 ,孙建军 ,周勇亮 ,祖延斌 , ………田中群 ,罗 瑾 ,林仲华 ,谢兆雄 ,胡维玲 ,胡涌刚 ,苏文煅 ( 1 ) 熔盐电化学的
未见到孙亮之前,看过他演的好多作品,《天下粮仓》、《裸婚时代》、《草帽警察》、《少帅》……欣赏他的表演。但在很长一段时间里,我的确不知道他的名字,只是在看到照片后恍然大悟,“哦,原来是他。”其实,好多人也跟我一样。不过,细想之下,在这个把名气和人气看的比什么都重的圈子里,他的这一路,也许正顺应了他的生活态度,顺其自然。  如今在这个充斥着越来越多帅哥美女的娱乐圈里,孙亮可不是什么帅哥,但他一开口,
Field pull-out and laboratory tests were applied to investigate the effect of metal bolts and wire netting on plant root distribution and anchorage characterist