
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q28100125
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大棚内温度和湿度的变化很大。温度从零下到零上几十度高温;相对湿度从百分之几到百分之九十几。低温和低湿可以采取措施,如加温、保温来提高棚温和喷水、浇水等方法来解决棚内湿度的不足。但高温和多湿对黄瓜生长非常不利。高温会使植株徒长,雌花形成少,畸形瓜增多,产量、质量降低。多湿会导致霜霉病、枯萎病大流行。温度的高低,直接影响空气湿度的变化。温度高时,空气相对湿度变小;温度低时,空气湿度相对增大。调节温湿度的主要措施就是放风。因此,放风便成为大棚生产黄瓜科学管理的主要措施。 Greenhouse temperature and humidity vary widely. Temperature from zero to zero on the dozens of high temperature; relative humidity from a few percent to ninety percent. Low temperature and low humidity can take measures such as heating, insulation to improve shed temperature and water, watering and other methods to solve the lack of greenhouse humidity. However, high temperature and humidity cucumber growth is very unfavorable. High temperature will make the plant leggy, less female flower formation, increased deformity melon, yield, reduce quality. Wetness can cause downy mildew, blight pandemic. The level of temperature, a direct impact on changes in air humidity. When the temperature is high, the relative humidity of the air becomes smaller; when the temperature is low, the relative humidity of the air is relatively increased. The main measure to adjust the temperature and humidity is the wind. Therefore, the ventilation will become a greenhouse production of cucumber scientific management of the main measures.
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