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矮化苹果密植栽培要获得增产、增收,必须采取配套的栽培措施。果树栽培制度,从稀植到密植,是一次大的变革。矮化密植苹果树,必须按矮砧树密植栽培的要求特点进行管理,才能收到结果早、早丰产、单位面积产量高,果实品质好,经济效益高。 1.要选择适宜的矮砧和优良的栽培品种。嫁接苹果树的矮化砧木,分为半矮化砧、矮化砧和极矮化砧三种,生产上常用前两种,半 Dwarf apple close planting cultivation to get increased production, income, we must take supporting cultivation measures. Fruit tree cultivation system, from thin to close planting, is a major change. Dwarf densely populated apple trees, must be dwarf rootstocks close planting requirements of the characteristics of management, to receive early results, early high yield, high yield per unit area, good fruit quality, high economic efficiency. 1. To select the appropriate dwarf anvil and good varieties. Dwarfing apple tree grafted rootstock, divided into semi-dwarfing anvil, dwarfing anvil and very dwarfing anvil three kinds of production, the first two commonly used, half
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渝北区果经站1993年从外地引进森尾早生、解放钟、华宝3号、太城4 Fruit Station in Yubei District in 1993 from the introduction of Sen Mei early life, Liberation Be
2010年4月15日,由东莞市经济和信息化局、横沥镇人民政府和广东省模具工业协会共同主办的第三届广东(东莞)模具制造·机械展览会在东莞市横沥 April 15, 2010, by the Dongg
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