Reaction Graph

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fjsgxxs
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The paper proposes reaction graphs as graphical representations of computational objects.A reaction graph is a directed graph with all its arrows and some of its nodes labeled. Compu-tations are modeled by graph rewriting of a simple nature. The basic rewriting rules embodythe essence of both the communications among processes and cut-eliminations in proofs. Cal-culi of graphs are identified to give a formal and algebraic account of reaction graphs in thespirit of process algebra. With the help of the calculi, it is demonstrated that reaction graphscapture many interesting aspects of computations. The paper proposes reaction graphs as graphical representations of computational objects. A reaction graph is a directed graph with all its arrows and some of its nodes labeled. Compu-tations are modeled by graph rewriting of a simple nature. The basic rewriting rules embody the essence of both the communications among processes and cut-eliminations in proofs. Cal-culi of graphs are identified to give a formal and algebraic account of reaction graphs in the spirit of process algebra. With the help of the calculi, it is for that reaction graphscapture aspects of computations.
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到底一个正职应该配备几个副职,还需要根据工作的性质和特点来决定,有的部门可能1正2副都偏多,有的则可能适当多些才更好 In the end a principal should be equipped with
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LQ—1600K打印机是最常用的针式打印机之一,本文介绍两例该打印机故障的维修方法,供大家参考。 故障现象之一:打印机打印几行后,字车只做往返运动而不打印。 分析与维修:LQ