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华尔兹的世纪:1812-1912(The Century of Waltz,1812-1912)轻盈的布料、手臂和腿脚向空中的伸展,均鼓励了芭蕾的发展,并在更大的程度上,促使这种舞蹈与古老的贵族舞蹈分道扬镳,而且部分地实现了人类古而有之的飞天梦想;为了梦想成真,舞者们在19世纪以来首演的《吉赛尔》(Gisele)、《小飞侠》(Peter Pan)等芭蕾舞剧中,甚至使用了绳索(wire,即如今音译成中文的术语“威亚”),并因 The Waltz’s Century: 1812-1912 (The Century of Waltz, 1812-1912) The light fabric, arms and legs stretching to the sky encouraged the development of the ballet and to a greater extent prompted this dance to be ancient Of the aristocratic dance parted ways, and in part to achieve the ancient human dreams have; for dreams come true, dancers debut since the 19th century, “Gisele” (Gisele), “Peter Pan” (Peter Pan) and even ballet, even using the wire (now transliterated into the Chinese term “Wia ”), and because
Cu ion implantation and subsequent rapid annealing at 500℃in N_2 result in low surface resistivity of 1.611 ohm/sq with high mobility of 290 cm~2 V~(-1)S~(-1)f
A mild two-step method was used to cleave the lactam ring of the tricyclic intermediate 1. A key racemic amino alcohol precursor 5 for the construction of Et-7
Hydrogenated Cr-incorporated carbon films(Cr/a-C:H) are deposited successfully by using a dc reactive magnetron sputtering system.The structure and mechanical p
四月飞絮,时值中美大都会人寿保险有限公司重庆分公司刚刚成立,又见齐莱平,在他的脸上看不出刚从纽约飞回的倦意和忙碌神色,依然是那平和亲切的笑容,优雅舒缓的声音,从容不迫的举止。所不同的是,这次谈话的内容不再是关于公司的经营理念和营销模式,而是与我们分享了他的事业经历及理财心得。    无心插柳柳成荫    14岁随家人移民到了美国,齐莱平相继取得了哥伦比亚大学经济学学士学位、芝加哥大学国际关系硕士学
The densification and the fractal dimensions of carbon-nickel films annealed at different temperatures 300,500,800,and 1000℃with emphasis on porosity evaluatio
The computational crystallography is proposed. Its basic concept and research method are systematically introduced, with aluminum-based spinel (ABS) as an examp