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比较法是通过对事物间的相同特征或相异特性的比较,揭示事物的本质联系和区别,物理中有许多物理量和物理规律具有可比性,在教与学的过程中,充分运用比较法,可以收到良好的教学效果.比较是一种方法,更是一种思想,教师要在教学中引导学生学会比较,善于比较,抓住比较,抓住重点比较,这样,学生就能够获得收获,获得能力.通过比较可以发现问题,找到解决问题的方法,通过比较,可以巩固旧知识,学习新知识,通过比较,可以变抽象为形象,突破难点;通过比较,识到错误,形成正确 Comparative law is through the same characteristics between the things or different characteristics of the comparison revealed the nature of the relationship between things and the difference between physical and physical laws and many physical laws are comparable in teaching and learning process, make full use of comparative law, Can receive a good teaching effect.Comparison is a method, but also a kind of thinking, teachers should guide students in teaching to learn more, be good at comparison, grasp the comparison, grasp the key comparison, so that students will be able to gain, Through comparison, we can find the problem and find the solution to the problem. Through comparison, we can consolidate the old knowledge and learn the new knowledge. By comparison, we can change the abstract image to break through the difficulties. By comparison, we can recognize the mistake and form the correct
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