把握县情 富民强县

来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moon_pine
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鸡泽县地处偏僻,交通不便,地下没有资源,地上缺少特产,是个典型的农业小县。受客观条件的制约,虽经历届党政班子和全县人民艰苦创业,扎实苦干,但县域经济发展在前几年始终处在全省、全市后进状态。到1994年,县财政收入仅有1356万元,连干部的工资都不能正常发。城建、电力、交通等基础设施相当落后,在一定程度上制约了鸡泽经济的发展。1995年我到鸡泽任职后,通过对县情的调查研究,认识到鸡泽经济发展迟缓的症结是人们的思想封闭,观念陈旧,市场经济意识较差,传统的农业也仅仅满足于吃穿。本地的一些潜在优势没有在县内引起高度重视,更没有为外地所 Jize County is located in the remote, inaccessible, there is no underground resources, lack of specialties on the ground, is a typical small agricultural county. Restricted by objective conditions, despite the previous party and government groups and county people arduous pioneering, solid work hard, but county economic development in the past few years has always been in the province, the city backward state. By 1994, the county’s fiscal revenue was only 13.56 million yuan, even the wages of cadres can not be normal hair. Infrastructure construction such as urban construction, electric power and transportation lags behind and to a certain extent restricted the economic development of Jize. After I worked for Jize in 1995, I realized through the investigation and study of the county conditions that the crux of the sluggish economy in Juesawa is that people have closed their minds, outdated concepts and poor market economy, and traditional agriculture is only satisfied with food and clothing . Some of the local potential advantages have not been given high priority in the county, nor have they been found in other places
Two equations for the molecular weight determination of ring shaped polystyrene and in toluene at 25℃ have been derived and identified by light scattering,vis