
来源 :现代舰船 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michaelbing
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2007年9月底,法国海军印度洋海区三军司令雅克·洛奈中将率领“瓦尔”号补给指挥舰首次到访湛江南海舰队。中法两国海军进行了潜水训练、陆战队比武、海上联合演练等。期间,法国方面还在“瓦尔”号军舰上举行了记者招待会。风趣幽默的法国将军在轻松的气氛中畅谈了中法两国海军合作的一些情况。笔者特整理如下,供感兴趣的朋友们参考。有关此次访问湛江法国是第一个与中国建立外交关系的西方大国,亦是第一个与中国建立全面伙 At the end of September 2007, Lieutenant Jacques Lohner, commander of the Armed Forces of the French Navy’s Indian Ocean, led the “Waer” supply command ship to visit the Zhanjiang South China Sea Fleet for the first time. The Navy of China and France conducted diving training, marine competitions, joint exercises at sea and so on. During the meeting, France also held a press conference on the warship “Val”. Humorous French generals talked in a relaxed atmosphere about some of the naval cooperation between China and France. I specialize in the following, for the reference of interested friends. About this visit Zhanjiang, France is the first western power to establish diplomatic relations with China and the first one to establish an all-round partnership with China
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金塔,并不是我想叫你草原  山低,水洼,各自躲藏  不断起伏的山峦,掩映着  时光的背影  东方地平线隐在前方  被浮草遮挡,被草丛中的  羊群遮挡  牧人的长鞭再不用挥至党金山下  只需鞭梢触及生活掠过边缘  梦想的讨来河就能在眼前  冰山上的雪莲就能盛开  金塔,并不是想叫你草原  而是你低垂的眼眸  早已像草原那样秀美  今夜失眠  失眠的今夜,我独睡甘州  睡在古时的甘州  一轮明月上。思
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