调整结构 突破难点 推动乡镇企业跨世纪健康发展——郭庚茂副省长在全省乡镇企业工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xudatui
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一、正确把握形势,进一步坚定加快乡镇企业跨世纪发展的信心去年以来,我省乡镇企业面对不利的国内外市场环境,克服进入转折时期的诸多困难,继续保持了稳定发展。1998年全省乡镇企业实现营业收入5700亿元,完成增加值1500亿元,上交税金78亿元,分别比上年增长21%、21%和18%,增幅高于全国平均水平,拉动全省GDP增长近6个百分点。今年1-7月份,全省乡镇企业营业收入、增加值、税金三项指标同比分别增长19.6%、18.3%和16.1%。当前,乡镇企业面临转折时期的新环境、新挑战不仅依然存在,而且进一步向深度发展。总的看,乡镇企业发展中的主要矛盾仍然突出表现在三个方面:产业产品结构与不断变化的多样化市场需求不适应;机制与日趋健全的市场经济体制不适应;整体素质与日益激烈的市场竞争不适应。主要问题:一是受宏观经济环境的影响,市场购买力不足,物价持续下降,乡镇企业面临的市场竞争更为激烈,相当一部 I. Correctly grasping the situation and further strengthening the confidence of accelerating the trans-century development of township and township enterprises Since the beginning of last year, the township and township enterprises in our province have faced adverse domestic and foreign market conditions, overcome many difficulties in entering the transitional period, and have continued to maintain stable development. In 1998, the township and township enterprises in the province achieved an operating income of 570 billion yuan, an added value of 150 billion yuan, and a tax payment of 7.8 billion yuan, an increase of 21%, 21%, and 18% respectively over the previous year, an increase higher than the national average, pulling all Provincial GDP grew by nearly 6 percentage points. From January to July of this year, the revenue, value-added, and taxes of the township and township enterprises in the province increased by 19.6%, 18.3%, and 16.1% year-on-year respectively. At present, the new environment and new challenges faced by township and village enterprises in the transition period not only remain, but also further develop in depth. In general, the main contradictions in the development of township and village enterprises are still prominently reflected in three aspects: the structure of industrial products is incompatible with the ever-changing diversified market demands; the mechanism is incompatible with the increasingly perfect market economic system; the overall quality and increasingly fierce Market competition is not adaptable. The main problems are as follows: First, due to the impact of the macroeconomic environment, the market’s purchasing power is insufficient, prices continue to decline, and the market competition faced by TVEs is even more intense.
摘要:在实行课程改革推行素质教育的今天,课堂教学的有效性尤为重要,如何能够实现化学课堂教学的高效,教师教育角色要转换,学生自主学习能力要培养,课前预习要放在最重要的位置,老师的点拨要准确到位,学生学习动力要提升等等,这其中蕴含的科学原理和方法值得我们不断探索。  关键词:化学 高效课堂 自主学习 学习动力  新课标实施以来,新的教育理念引导着教学的改革,课堂教学发生了很大的变化。如何教会学生掌握科
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