医患关系大家谈——化解医患纠纷 构建和谐社会

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近年来,陆续发生的震惊全国的长沙著名血液病专家王万林教授被刺杀案、四川大学华西医院李宁教授被砍案、北京协和医院王任直教授被伤害案、上海长征医院护士被伤害案、福建享受国务院特殊津贴名医被杀害案等等。犯罪分子的凶残手段令人发指,案件的恶劣程度触目惊心,同时造成医患矛盾的原因也发人深省。原本正常的医患关系出现了严重扭曲。其实,医患面临的共同敌人是疾病,医患关系骤然成为社会关注的热点,媒体报道的焦点,医患心中的痛点。其实,良好的医患关系,是促进医学进步的“加速器”,是构建和谐社会的“助推剂”。如使医忠双方能互相尊重、互相体谅、互相呵护,对于缓解百姓就医难、加快医院科技进步、提高全民健康素质、构建和谐社会都是大有裨益的。为此,《中国医药指南》杂志特开辟“医患之间”栏目,将陆续邀请相关的专家、院长、医生、患者,请他们谈谈自己的一些建议和意见。 In recent years, Professor Wang Wanlin, a famous blood disease expert in Changsha, has been assassinated in succession in the country, Prof. Li Ning of West China Hospital of Sichuan University was adjourned, Professor Wang Renzhi of Peking Union Medical College was injured, Shanghai Changzheng Hospital was injured and Fujian State Department of State was injured. Special benefits doctors were killed and so on. The pernicious methods of criminals are appalling and the severity of the cases is alarming. At the same time, the causes of conflicts between doctors and patients are also thought-provoking. The original normal doctor-patient relationship has been seriously distorted. In fact, the common enemy faced by doctors and patients is disease. The relationship between doctors and patients has suddenly become a hot spot of social concern, the focus of media coverage, and pain points in the hearts of doctors and patients. In fact, a good relationship between doctors and patients is an “accelerator” that promotes medical advancement and a “booster” for building a harmonious society. If doctors and doctors can respect each other, understand each other, and care for each other, it will be of great benefit to relieve people’s medical problems, speed up the progress of hospital science and technology, improve the people’s health, and build a harmonious society. To this end, the “Guide to Chinese Medicine” magazine has opened up a “Doctors and Patients” section, and will invite related experts, deans, doctors, and patients, and ask them to talk about some of their own suggestions and opinions.
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