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随着《经贸世界》影响力的不断提高,以及“条例”出台后直销业前景的不断明朗,越来越多的企业和直销员打电话到经贸世界杂志社,咨询有关直销行业的各种问题。另外,今年基于杂志本体、又独立服务于直销人群的“智城网”(www. upwit.com)的开通以及“智城俱乐部”的成立,更是把经贸世界杂志社的咨询业务带到了一个新的高峰。本着“公平公正,服务读者,正确传递政府政策”的理念,经贸世界杂志社相关人员也在不断提升自己的专业知识,并和多个培训机构(包括东岐国际、现代直销学院、上海恩卓等)强强联合,力求为业界提供最全面的咨询服务,给前进与摸索中的中国直销人以帮助和指导。因此,从九月起,本社将把每月所得的咨询数据以及各相关焦点问题进行统计,希望能够对读者把握中国直销业的走势和方向提供有益的参考。 With the continuous improvement of the influence of “Economic and Trade World” and the constant prospect of the direct sales industry after the “Regulations” were introduced, more and more enterprises and salespeople have called the Economic and Trade World Magazine to consult various questions concerning the direct selling industry . In addition, this year’s opening of “www. Upwit.com” and the establishment of “Smart City Club” based on the magazine itself and independently serving the direct sales crowd brought the consulting business of Economic and Trade World Magazine to one New peak In line with the concept of “fairness and impartiality, serving the readers and correctly passing government policies”, relevant personnel from Economic and Trade World Magazine are also constantly upgrading their professional knowledge and have cooperated with a number of training institutions including East Qi International, Modern Direct Marketing College, Zhuo, etc.) strong alliances, and strive to provide the industry the most comprehensive consulting services to the forward and groping of Chinese direct sales to help and guidance. Therefore, from September onwards, CCS will make monthly statistics on the consulting data collected and relevant issues in focus, hoping to provide useful references for readers to grasp the trend and direction of China’s direct selling industry.
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