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那天什么都变得很糟糕。虽正值隆冬,可仍然有很多患者,作为二线值班医生,我带着紧急呼机。似乎有某种预兆,那天第一次呼叫时我正在医院内另一相反的位置。我从我的办公室急速赶往呼我的放射科。当我赶到时,抢救正在有序地进行着。我惊惶的发现,这名被抢救者竟是我病区的一名患者。10分钟后,抢救放弃,死者被推回病区。接下来我看望了已在家属休息室的她的家属。虽然像自言自语一样,我还是很得体地将这一不幸的消息告诉了他们。要命的是,由于我正在急救队,呼机我就得随身携带,因此,那天呼机第二次呼叫时我正和死者家属在一起说话。致歉后我就 Everything became very bad on that day. Although it is the winter, there are still many patients. As a second-line doctor on duty, I carry an emergency pager. There seemed to be some kind of omens that I was in the opposite position in the hospital when I called for the first time that day. I quickly rushed to my radiology department from my office. When I arrived, the rescue was proceeding in an orderly manner. I was shocked to find that the rescued person was actually a patient in my ward. After 10 minutes, the rescue gave up and the deceased was pushed back to the ward. Next I visited her family in the family’s lounge. Although like myself, I told them this unfortunate news decently. What’s worse, because I’m in the rescue team, I have to carry the pager with me. Therefore, I was talking to the family of the deceased when the pager called for the second time. After apologizing, I will
The use of acupuncture is theoreticallyfounded on the chapter “Five Colors” in LingShu and the theory of channels and collate-rals.The authors found that des
乌头Aconitum carmichaeli Debeaux原药材中生物碱的量存在广泛差异,这主要是由种间差异引起的。此外,土壤、气候和种植方式也是影响因素。研究了种植穴深、摘芽和修根对乌头
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Objective To study the anti-inflammatory effect of a poly-prescription of traditional Chinese medicine GK001.Methods 1.Inhibitory effect on pain in mice:The pai
Objective: To collect data on the demand and provision of fertility care in HIV- infected couples in the United Kingdom and data on the etiology of subfertility