
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdy_123
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本实验运用微波加热、压力消解。结果表明,在密闭容器内,对样品施加一定的微波能,大大加快了反应速度,提高了测定效率。样品不污染环境,也不被环境污染,与经典分析方法相对照,分析速度提高了数十倍,分析结果的置信度为95%,没有显著性差异。该法具有操作简便、省时、省力,适合于大批量样品的测定及很好的推广普及价值。为土壤中有机碳含量的测定提供了一种准确、简捷的方法,亦可借鉴于其它样品的分析测定。 The experiment using microwave heating, pressure digestion. The results show that in a closed container, a certain amount of microwave energy is applied to the sample, which greatly accelerates the reaction speed and improves the measurement efficiency. The sample does not pollute the environment and is not polluted by the environment. Compared with the classical analysis method, the analysis speed is increased by several times, and the confidence of the analysis result is 95%, showing no significant difference. The method is simple, time-saving, labor-saving, suitable for the determination of large quantities of samples and good popularization of universal value. It provides an accurate and concise method for the determination of organic carbon in soils. It can also be used for the analysis of other samples.
2月19日,Seagate Technology公司在京宣布推出6.4GB的高容量Medalist Pro 6450硬盘驱动器(如下图),以适应日益发展的PC February 19, Seagate Technology Corporation anno
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The analysis of transient linear viscoelastic response of asphalt concrete(AC)is important for engineering applications.The traditional transient response of AC
喉部分切除后为加速愈合、减少瘢痕和更好地恢复喉的功能 ,需要进行缺损区的重建。目前常采用的重建材料有游离或带蒂皮瓣、游离或带蒂肌瓣、筋膜或骨膜等。我院于1987— 199
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故障现象: 一台韩国产NEWMAX 24针宽行打印机,型号为NXP-2000,打印控制指令与LQ 1600K兼容,该打印机不大常见,使用不到半年,打印时有时打印头不能正常归位,而是换行后从上一