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初次读《特区经济》,是在邓小平同志第一次视察深圳特区之后不久.当时,笔者刚从内地调到深圳工作,加入了特区建设者的队伍.从试刊的《特区经济》上读到了小平同志为深圳所作的著名题词“深圳的发展和经验证明,我们建立经济特区的政策是正确的”,深受鼓舞.从此,每期的《特区经济》我都必读,不觉已逾十年.这期间,又曾与《特区经济》的编者们有过或长或短的几次合作.因而,在感觉中《特区经济》就象稔熟的老朋友一样.读《特区经济》十年,确实是获益良多,感慨良多.《特区经济》的成长折射了“深圳速度”从不很成型的试刊到正式创刊,从季刊、双月刊到月刊,从一个普通的地市刊物到成为广东省十佳期刊和全国经济类核心期刊,《特区经济》每隔二三年便登上一个新台阶,不断以新的面貌出现在刊林之中,吸引着大批读者的目光.也许是植根和成长于深圳特区这块神奇的土地的缘故吧,《特区经济》经常令人产生须当刮目相看的惊喜.如果把《特区经济》比若一滴水珠,那么,它的成长过程所折射的,正是声名遐迩的“深圳速度”的光芒.《特区经济》的影响体现了“深圳效益”深圳特区15年来奇迹般的高速发展所产生的,在有形的成果之外,还有难以估量的无形财富,故其效益决非仅以一时、一地为限.《特区经济》虽然不过是一份期刊,? The first reading of “special economic zone” was made shortly after Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s first visit to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, when I just transferred from the Mainland to Shenzhen and joined the ranks of the Constructor of the Special Zone Comrade Xiaoping’s inscription entitled “Shenzhen’s development and experience have proved that our policy of establishing a special economic zone is correct” has been greatly encouraged by Comrade Xiaoping since then. Every time I read “Special Economic Zone”, I have read more than ten In the meantime, he had worked with the editors of the “SEZs” several times, either long or short, and felt that the “SEZs” were like old friends. Year, is indeed a lot of benefit, feeling a lot. “The growth of the” SEZ “reflects the” Shenzhen speed “from not very well-formed trial to the official start, from the quarterly, bimonthly to the monthly, from an ordinary city publication To become the top ten journals in Guangdong Province and the core journals of the national economy, the ”Special Zone Economy“ will take up to a new level every two or three years and continue to appear in the new landscape with a new look, attracting a large number of readers. Is rooted and growing As the magical land in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, ”SAR Economy“ often gives rise to surprises that should be scrutinized. If the ”SAR economy“ is more than a drop of water, then the process of its growth reflects exactly what is said The influence of ”Special Economic Zone“ reflects the miraculous rapid development of ”Shenzhen Benefit“ in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the past 15 years. In addition to the tangible results, there is an immeasurable intangible wealth, Its effectiveness should not be limited to a one-time or one-time operation. Although the ”SEZ economy" is only a journal,
终于有时间放松了,我想大家也一样,因为复活节刚开始!今年我的迈阿密之旅结束于第四轮,可能大家会认为太早了点,我本可以打 Finally have time to relax, I think everyone