
来源 :世界历史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wkan
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20世纪80年代初,在香港史研究热潮的引领下,国内外学术界开始探讨美国与香港的历史关系。受“新冷战史”研究的启发,一些学者着重研究美国涉港情报、文化活动和美国政府对港禁运政策,为美港关系史研究提供了广阔的视野和多样化的研究方向。以传统国际关系史研究范式书写美港关系的研究成果,主要讨论美国政府如何介入涉港问题,进而制定和实施香港政策。因视角、立场存在差异,中国内地、香港和美英两国的学者,就罗斯福对香港战后地位所持态度、香港日军受降之争、美国对港政策转折点等问题,形成了不同意见。本文根据两类研究范式,梳理国内外学术界相关研究成果,剖析学者们就若干重要问题形成的共识与分歧,呈现美国视野下转变中的香港价值。 In the early 1980s, led by the upsurge of historical research in Hong Kong, academics at home and abroad began to explore the historical relationship between the United States and Hong Kong. Inspired by the research on the history of the Cold War, some scholars focused their studies on the intelligence and cultural activities in the United States and the U.S. government’s policy on embargo on ports, which provided a broad field of vision and diverse research directions for the study of the history of the U.S.-Hong Kong relations. The study of the history of the relations between the United States and Hong Kong was written in the traditional paradigm of history of international relations. It mainly discussed how the U.S. government intervened in the issue of Hong Kong and formulated and implemented Hong Kong’s policies. Due to differences in their perspectives and positions, scholars from mainland China, Hong Kong, the United States and Britain have formed different opinions on the Roosevelt’s attitude toward the post-war status of Hong Kong, the dispute over the Hong Kong-Japan war and the turning point in U.S. policy toward Hong Kong. Based on two kinds of research paradigms, this article combs the relevant academic achievements at home and abroad, analyzes the consensus and disagreements reached by scholars on a number of important issues and presents the changing value of Hong Kong in the perspective of the United States.
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