
来源 :中国计划生育学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wahahabookbb
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1998年9月22~23日,吉林省政府、省军区在松原市召开军民联合开展计划生育生殖保健工作经验交流会。会议的主要内容是总结交流松原等地军民联合开展生殖保健服务工作经验。实地考察前郭县计划生育服务站和军民联合开展生殖保健工作的先进户,会议期间听取部分群众接受生殖保健服务体会,从切身利益感受到开展生殖保健服务工作,对家庭和个人带来的好处,从而增强群众实行计划生育的自觉性。国家计生委、沈阳军区后勤部、省政府、省军区的领导出席了会议,各市、州政府主管计划生育的领导、计生委主任,科技科(处)长,各军分区、预备役师政委、后勤部长及计划生育专职干部参加了会议。 From September 22 to September 23, 1998, the government of Jilin Province and the provincial military region held a military and civilian joint experience exchange meeting on family planning and reproductive health work in Songyuan City. The main content of the meeting was to sum up the experience of joint military and civilian work in reproductive health services in Matsubara and other places. On-the-spot investigation Qianjiang County Family Planning Service Station and advanced families who jointly carry out reproductive health work by soldiers and civilians. During the meeting, some of the public were told about the experience of receiving reproductive health services and personally benefiting families and individuals through their reproductive health care services , So as to enhance people’s consciousness of implementing family planning. State Family Planning Commission, the Shenyang Military Region Logistics Department, the provincial government, the provincial military leaders attended the meeting, the city and state governments in charge of family planning leadership, family planning director, science and technology section (division) chief, the military division, reserve division political commissar, logistics Minister and full-time family planning cadres attended the meeting.