LM- 3B Launch Vehicle

来源 :Aerospace China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsb398322830
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LM-3B launch vehicle is a heavy three-stage liquid propellant strap-on launch vehicle, which was developed based on the mature technologies of the LM-3A and LM-2E. It not only has the highest payload capacity to send China’s satellites to GTO, but is also one of the most advanced launch vehicles in the world with high reliability, reasonable price and perfect technological design. It can launch over 90% of various kinds of satellites in the international commercial satellite market. LM-3B launch vehicle is a heavy three-stage liquid propellant strap-on launch vehicle, which was developed based on the mature technologies of the LM-3A and LM-2E. It not only has the highest payload capacity to send China’s satellites to GTO, but is also one of the most advanced launch vehicles in the world with high reliability, reasonable price and perfect technological design. It can launch over 90% of various kinds of satellites in the international commercial satellite market.
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