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十余年来国内、外对男(雄)性生殖与男性节育药的研究已引起广泛关注,但至今尚无可供实际应用的药品,几乎只能由妇女单方面承担计划生育的重大任务。因此,发展安全、有效、可逆、简便的男性节育药物,实为当前生育调节研究的重大课题。这些药物一般可分为主要作用于生精过程及主要作用于精子成熟两大类;干扰激素平衡药物虽非完全直接作用于生精,但其终未效果抑制生精过程,故亦属前一类。有人将作用于精子生成(Spermiogenesis)及精子成熟的药物合称“减数分裂后”药物,但目前似尚无主要作用于精子生成药,因此我们仍按上述的一般分类。另有少数药物主要作用于成熟 More than ten years of research on male and female sexual reproduction and male birth control have drawn more and more attention. However, there is no medicine available for practical application so far. Only women can undertake unilaterally the major tasks of family planning. Therefore, the development of safe, effective, reversible and simple male birth control drugs, in fact, is currently a major issue of fertility regulation research. These drugs can generally be divided into the main role in the process of spermatogenesis and the main role in the two major categories of sperm maturation; interfering hormone balance drugs, although not directly on the spermatogenesis, but its effect is not eventually inhibit the spermatogenesis, it is also the first class. Some people will act on the sperm production (Spermiogenesis) and sperm maturation of the drug known as “meiosis” drugs, but now seems to have no major role in sperm production medicine, so we are still in accordance with the general classification. A few other drugs mainly act on maturation
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