
来源 :泥沙研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshinexpsister
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本文在大量实测资料的基础上,采用成因分析方法建立了黄土地区小流域一次暴雨径流深、产沙量及泥沙输移比公式。为了计算大流域的产沙,将大流域分割成若干小流域,由河道将小流域相联,这样小流域的产沙计算和已有的河道冲淤计算的数学模型相联,从而形成一套较为完整的由降雨预报流域产沙的数学模型,并使模型程序化。通过率定验证取得了较为满意的结果,并在较大流域(十里河流域面积1185平方公里)上进行了计算。 Based on a large number of measured data, this paper established a storm runoff depth, sediment yield and sediment transport ratio formula of small watershed in the loess area on the basis of genetic analysis. In order to calculate the sediment yield of the large river basins, the large river basins are divided into several small basins, and the small basins are interconnected by the river basins, so that the sediment yield calculation in the small river basins is connected with the existing mathematical model for the calculation of the river scouring and silting, thus forming a set A more complete mathematical model of rainfall forecasting sediment yield and streamline the model. Satisfactory results have been obtained through rate verification, and calculated in the larger watershed (Shilihe basin area of ​​1185 square kilometers).
Stephen Chow is among China’s favorite directors and has accrued a lot of goodwill among the public.His latest film,The Mermaid,smashed box office records—but
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在秦汉以前,长江流域分布着茂密的亚热带常绿阔叶针叶混交林,水土流失轻微。东汉以后,大部分地区还是林木葱郁,山水秀丽。据《马可波罗游记》载:“越秦岭入川凡 20日抵成都 ,所见