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一九三七年十一月五日,日本侵略军在杭州湾金山卫登陆,大肆烧杀抢掠。同月十二日,国民党驻沪军队全部西撤,上海失陷,公共租界、法租界成为“孤岛”。原在上海出版的报纸,有许多因环境所迫而搬迁、停刊。在这种严峻的情况下,中共江苏省委决定利用外国报纸在租界的合法地位,创办一种纯翻译性的报纸,向人民群众继续宣传抗战。于是,一九三七年十二月九日《译报》问世了。创刊号上,发表了《毛泽东对英记者发表重要谈话——“中国绝大多数民众仍要抗战到底,如少数人采取投降路线,则全国决心抗日分子将坚决反对。”》这篇译文在上海人民中引起巨大反响,也使日本侵略者感到胆战心惊。《译报》内容充实,编排新颖,发行量达两万份。但该报出版十二期后,由于印刷所遭到日伪势力的威胁破坏,至同月二十日被迫停刊。 On November 5, 1937, Japanese aggressors landed at Jinshanwei, Hangzhou Bay, wantonly burning and looting. On the 12th of the same month, all KMT troops stationed in Shanghai were evacuated westward, Shanghai was collapsed, and the public concession and the French Concession became “isolated islands.” The original newspaper published in Shanghai, many due to the relocation of the environment, stop publication. Under such severe circumstances, the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee decided to use the foreign newspapers’ legitimate status in the concession to create a purely translating newspaper and continue to propagandize the war of resistance against the people. Thus, “Translation Newspaper” came out on December 9, 1937. On the first issue of the first issue, Mao Zedong made an important remark on the British reporters - “The overwhelming majority of the Chinese people still want the war to end. If the minority resort to the surrender line, the whole country is determined that the anti-Japanese elements will resolutely oppose it.” “ Which caused tremendous repercussions and also frightened the Japanese invaders. ”Translation News" content is substantial, layout novel, circulation of 20,000 copies. However, after its publication in the 12th issue, the newspaper was forced to suspend publication on the 20th of the same month due to the threat of printing from the Japanese and Puppet forces.