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天水是华夏古文化的重要发祥地之一,具有悠久、璀璨的传统文化。改革开放以来,这座历史文化名城绽放出现代文明之花。近几年来,天水市先后荣获全省“卫生城市”、“文明城市”称号。全市科技、教育、文化等各项社会事业都得到全面发展,为天水市迈入新世纪创造了良好的条件。天水市紧紧围绕科教兴市战略和区域经济发展重点,大力发展科学技术事业,逐年加大科技投入,积极开发技术市场,有效地促进了科技成果向现实生产力转化。大力发展新技术产业和技术创新,推广农业科学技术,促进科技兴工、科技兴农。全市新实施各类科技项目749项,其中工业项目252项,农业项目333项,软科学项目91项,医疗卫生及其它项目75项。农村科学技术推广方兴未艾,民营科技企业异军突起,科技队伍不断壮 Tianshui is one of the important birthplaces of Huaxia ancient culture, with a long and bright traditional culture. Since the reform and opening up, this historical and cultural city blooms the flowers of modern civilization. In recent years, Tianshui City has won the title of “Health City” and “Civilized City” of the province. The city’s science and technology, education, culture and other social undertakings have been all-round development, Tianshui City into the new century has created good conditions. Tianshui City, focusing on the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and education and the focus of regional economic development, vigorously developed the cause of science and technology, increased investment in science and technology year by year and actively developed the technology market, effectively promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces. Vigorously develop new technology industries and technological innovation, promote agricultural science and technology, promote science and technology to work, science and technology to agriculture. The city’s new implementation of various types of science and technology projects 749, of which 252 industrial projects, agricultural projects 333, soft science projects 91, medical and health and other 75 projects. Rural science and technology promotion in the ascendant, the rise of non-governmental science and technology enterprises, science and technology continually growing
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