
来源 :病虫测报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lskiba
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1991年8月5—6日,农业部全国植保总站在上海召开了全国农田灭鼠工作座谈会。有24省、区、市及计划单列市的植保站和上海市农药研究所等单位50多位代表出席了座谈会。据会议统计,199o年22省、区、市农田鼠害发生面积约2.5亿亩次,属中等发生年份,灭鼠面积1.5亿亩次,共挽回各种农作物田间经济损失约10亿元。1990年全国灭鼠工作取得的主要经验是:领导重视,部门紧密配合,广泛发动群众,加强宣传和技术培训;开展灭鼠达标活动,促进了大面积灭鼠工作。全国已有15个省(区、市)示范推广了第二代抗凝血杀 August 5-6, 1991, the National Plant Protection Station of Ministry of Agriculture convened a forum on farmland rodent control in Shanghai. More than 50 representatives from plant protection stations in 24 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning and the Shanghai Pesticide Research Institute attended the symposium. According to the meeting statistics, in 199o, 22,000 mu of farmland rat rodento occurred in 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, accounting for a middle-aged year and an area of ​​rodent control of 150 million mu. A total of about 1 billion yuan of farmland economic losses were recovered. The main experiences gained in rodent control work in China in 1990 were as follows: leaders attach importance to the work closely with departments, mobilize the masses extensively, and step up publicity and technical training; and conduct rodent control activities to promote large-scale anti-rodent work. The country has 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) demonstrated the promotion of the second generation of anticoagulant kill
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