Hierarchical micro-mobility management in high-speed multihop access networks

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lgshow
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This article integrates the hierarchical micro-mobility management and the high-speed multihop access networks (HMAN), to accomplish the smooth handover between different access routers. The proposed soft handover scheme in the high-speed HMAN can solve the micro-mobility management problem in the access network. This article also proposes the hybrid access router (AR) advertisement scheme and AR selection algorithm, which uses the time delay and stable route to the AR as the gateway selection parameters. By simulation, the proposed micro-mobility management scheme can achieve high packet delivery fraction and improve the lifetime of network. This article integrates the hierarchical micro-mobility management and the high-speed multihop access networks (HMAN), to accomplish the smooth handover between different access routers. The proposed soft-handover scheme in the high-speed HMAN can solve the micro-mobility management problem in the access network. This article also proposes a hybrid access router (AR) advertisement scheme and AR selection algorithm, which uses the time delay and stable route to the AR as the gateway selection parameters. By simulation, proposed micro-mobility management scheme can achieve high packet delivery fraction and improve the lifetime of network.
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