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目的总结汶川地震后过渡期的疾病控制工作措施,保障灾区群众健康。方法根据地震灾区过渡期卫生防疫工作的实践经验,进行回顾性总结分析。结果总结出重点落实的6项防疫措施:①摸底调查,制定灾区防疫工作计划。②大力开展卫生宣教,让村民养成良好的卫生习惯。③搞好环境卫生,认真开展消杀灭等工作。④进行水质检验,确保饮水安全。⑤加强重点疾病的监测防控,防止传染病暴发流行。⑥加强食品卫生管理,防止发生食源性疾病。采取上述措施后,灾区无传染病暴发流行,无发生群体性食物中毒,实现了大灾之后无大疫的目标。结论采取各项预防措施对于预防地震灾后传染病的流行具有重大的意义。 Objective To summarize the disease control measures during the transitional period after the Wenchuan earthquake and ensure the health of people in disaster areas. Methods According to the practical experience of health and epidemic prevention during the transitional period of earthquake-stricken areas, the retrospective analysis was made. The results summed up the implementation of the six key anti-epidemic measures: ① thoroughly investigate and formulate epidemic prevention work plans. ② vigorously carry out health education, so that villagers develop good health habits. ③ do a good job in environmental sanitation, conscientiously carry out the elimination and other work. ④ water quality inspection, to ensure safe drinking water. ⑤ strengthen the monitoring of key diseases prevention and control to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases. ⑥ Strengthen food hygiene management to prevent food-borne diseases. After taking the above measures, the outbreak of infectious diseases in the disaster-stricken areas did not occur, no mass food poisoning occurred, and no major epidemic was achieved after the disaster. Conclusion The adoption of various preventive measures is of great significance in preventing the epidemic of post-quake-borne infectious diseases.
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