Close Relationship between the Frangibility of Mountain Eco-Environment and Mountain Disasters:A Cas

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoguopu
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Anatomical details are given in this article,which is per-formed by investigating the relationship between through the frangibility of mountain eco-environment and the status of irrational land-use in typical region of debris flow in Dongchuan district,Kunming city,yun-nan Province. This analysis is extended to the relationship between vi-cissitude of mountain disasters and the frangibility of mountain envi-ronment. The relatively coupling action of a vicious circle is a evolving characteristic by debris flow sand-gravel there. The eco-security is being faced with serious challenge. The tactics of eco-security has been con-structed since 1980s. Thus,the eco-environment can gradually be re-paired and optimized to achieve a fine circle. Anatomical details are given in this article, which is per-formed by investigating the relationship between through the frangibility of mountain eco-environment and the status of irrational land-use in typical region of debris flow in Dongchuan district, Kunming city, yun-nan The analysis is extended to the relationship between vi-cissitude of mountain disasters and the frangibility of mountain envi-ronment. The relatively coupling action of a vicious circle is a evolving characteristic by debris flow sand-gravel there. The eco-security is The tactics of eco-security has been con-structed since 1980s. Thus, the eco-environment can gradually be re-paired and optimized to achieve a fine circle.
The geometries of CF3OCF2·, CF3OCFCF3· and CF3OCF2CF2· radicals were investigated by density func-tional theory(DFT) method. The calculated results indicate
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