
来源 :山东医刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:William_hui
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我院曾于1960年夏秋季节用大青叶治疗急性细菌性痢疾,效果良好,同时用呋喃西林组作为对照,兹将治疗效果介绍,以供参考。一般分析应用大青叶及呋喃西林共治疗急性细菌性痢疾32例,计大青叶组22例,呋喃西林组10例。所有患者皆系成年。除四例女性外,其余皆系男性。职业方面,工人、职员、干部占绝大多数。病例的选择皆系较重的。一般都有明显的临床症状,如发烧、腹痛、腹泻、里急后重、大便次数多、带有脓血。粪便化验检查有大量脓细胞、红血球及巨噬细胞。确诊后收入病房治疗。全部病例除四例外,其余皆有不同程度的发烧。体温最高者达40℃以上,一般在38℃—39℃之间。白血球计数半数正常,半数升高,多在15,000—20,000之间,中性多形核增多。治疗方法病人入院后除根据情况予以对症处理外,未用其他抗菌药物。用药剂量在大青叶组每六小时给大青叶一两(作成煎剂口服),呋喃西林组每六小时口服呋喃西林100毫克。全部病例按以上剂量给药,直至大便镜检正常及粪便培养阴性为止。大青叶组疗程最短两天,最长八天,平均四天半。呋喃西林组疗程最短两天,最长七天,平均四天半。 In our hospital in summer and autumn in 1960 with Folium treatment of acute bacterial dysentery, with good results, while nitrofurazone group as a reference, the treatment effect will be introduced for reference. General analysis of Folium and nitrofurazone treatment of acute bacterial dysentery in 32 cases, 22 cases of Daqing Ye group, nitrofurazone group of 10 cases. All patients are all adult. Except for four women, all others were male. Occupation, workers, staff, cadres accounted for the vast majority. The choice of cases are heavier. Generally have obvious clinical symptoms, such as fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus, stool frequency, with pus and blood. Fecal laboratory examination of a large number of pus, red blood cells and macrophages. After the diagnosis of income ward treatment. All cases except four cases, the rest have varying degrees of fever. The highest body temperature of 40 ℃ or more, usually between 38 ℃ -39 ℃. Half of normal white blood cell count, half of the increase, more between 15,000-20,000, neutral polymorphonuclear increased. Treatment of patients admitted to the hospital except according to the situation to be symptomatic treatment, no other antibacterial drugs. The dosage was given to Folium Isatidis every 12 hours in Folium Isatidis group (orally given decoction), and nitrofurazone 100 mg was given to nitrofurazone group every 6 hours. All cases according to the above dose, until the normal stool examination and fecal culture negative so far. Daqingye treatment group the shortest two days, up to eight days, an average of four days and a half. Nitrofurazone treatment group the shortest two days, the longest seven days, an average of four days and a half.
建立了高效液相色谱-串联质谱检测糙米、稻壳和秸秆中氯吡嘧磺隆残留的分析方法。样品经乙腈和水提取,C 18吸附剂净化,多反应监测模式检测,外标法定量。结果表明,在0.01~2mg/