Simulation of nanosecond square pulse fiber laser based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoyijie1983
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A nanosecond square pulse fiber laser based on the nonlinear amplifying loop mirror(NALM) is numeri-cally analyzed by the nonlinear Schrdinger equation. The fiber cavity with a NALM has a tendency to provide pulse shaping effect with nonlinearity increasing in the NALM,and the nanosecond square pulse is generated by the pulse shaping effect. The numerical results show that the stable square pulse can be obtained when the parameters of the NALM are chosen appropriately. The generated square pulses have flat top and no internal structure. A nanosecond square pulse fiber laser based on the nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) is numeri-cally analyzed by the nonlinear Schrdinger equation. The fiber cavity with a NALM has a tendency to provide pulse shaping effect with nonlinearity increasing in the NALM, and the The numerical results show that the stable square pulse can be obtained when the parameters of the NALM are chosen appropriately. The generated square pulses have flat top and no internal structure.
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摘 要:模拟电子技术课程是一些信息类专业的一门重要的技术基础课程,但是由于课程自身难度较大以及学生对于理论学习的兴趣不高等问题,再加上电子技术日新月异的发展使得我国一些学校中现行的模拟电子技术课程的教学存在很大的问题,改革势在必行。本文就从模拟电子技术的课程认识以及对于本学科改革的具体措施等方面对模拟电子技术的课程改革进行一次较为深入的探究。  关键词:模拟电子技术教学改革  中图分类号:G710