
来源 :辽宁林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guihuxinxi
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辽宁省板栗增产科研协作会议于一月十八日至二十一日在宽甸县召开。参加会议的有省、市(地区)、县林业生产单位、科研和农林院校的代表共四十二名,其中工人、贫下中农代表十三名。省科技局农医处的负责同志也参加了会议。会议期间传来了四届人大胜利闭幕的特大喜讯,与会代表欢欣鼓舞,认真学习了四届人大文件,决心在板栗科研战线上贯彻落实四届人大提出的各项战斗任务。会议认为:我省板栗生产在毛主席革命路线指引下,在批林批孔运动的推动下,生产水平不断提高,群众性的科学实验活动蓬勃开展。丹东老产区出现了一批年产十万斤栗子的大队,气候较冷的辽北和昭盟南部地区板栗树不仅能够安家落户,而且还发现一些抗寒丰产的类型和单株。全省现有板栗一千万株比文化大革命前翻了一番。几年来通过全省性的板栗选优大协作,选出了三十五个优良单株,为促进板栗增产,实现良种化 Chestnut yield Liaoning Province Collaborative Scientific Research Meeting was held January 18 to 21 in Kuandian County. A total of 42 delegates from provincial, municipal (district) and county forestry production units, research institutes and agricultural and forestry institutions attended the conference, including 13 workers and poor and middle peasants. Provincial Science and Technology Department of Agricultural Department responsible comrades also attended the meeting. During the meeting, great news was delivered to the Fourth NPC that the victory of the People's Congress ended. The participants delightfully encouraged each other and conscientiously studied the Fourth National People's Congress document and determined to carry out all the combat tasks set forth by the Fourth National People's Congress on the chestnut scientific research front. The meeting held: Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's revolutionary line and thanks to the pro-Lin campaign, the production of chestnut in our province has been constantly promoted. The mass scientific experiment activities are flourishing. A batch of brigade with an annual output of one hundred thousand jin of chestnuts appeared in Dandong's old producing areas. The cold climate of northern Liaoning and northern part of Zhaomei chestnut trees not only settled down, but also found some types and single plants with high yield of cold-resistant. The province's existing chestnut 10 million doubled before the Cultural Revolution. Over the past few years through the province's chestnut electoral cooperation, selected thirty-five excellent single plant, in order to promote chestnut yield, to achieve seed
江西问计网自2008年8月开通以来已向社会推出78个问计主题,内容涉及江西省经济社会发展的方方面面,共征得有效建言2000余条。江西省领导高度重视问计工作,各设区市 Since it
各种型号的激光测距仪已普遍应用于北约组织各国的军队。该机通常用于火炮射击、轰炸和照相等,能迅速、准确测定目标距离,而且结构紧凑,重量轻。 Various types of laser r