
来源 :上海食品药品监管情报研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenglingxing
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举报奖励作为行政奖励,是指行政机关或者法律、法规授予奖励权的组织依照法定的条件和程序,对为国家和社会做出重大贡献的单位与个人,给予物质或精神鼓励的具体行政行为。举报奖励制度实施的关键在于如何对举报人进行保护,目前,国家层面尚未对保护举报人如何获得举报奖励出台相关的法律法规,各地也都在实践中进行摸索。本文通过分析上海市食品药品监督管理局举报人奖励保护机制的建立和发展过程,结合目前实施的《举报奖励办法》在举报人奖励保护方面取得的初步成效,探讨建立食品药品举报人奖励保护的新机制,完善食药监举报奖励制度,提高行政效率,充分发挥举报奖励的社会共治作用。 Reporting rewards as administrative rewards refers to specific administrative acts that the organizations granted by the administrative organs or laws and regulations granting rewards are material or spiritual encouraged by the units and individuals that have made significant contributions to the country and society in accordance with the statutory conditions and procedures. At present, at the national level, no laws and regulations have been promulgated on how to protect whistleblowers from reporting rewards, and all localities have also been exploring ways to practice whistleblower reporting. This article analyzes the establishment and development of reward and protection mechanism of whistleblowers in Shanghai Food and Drug Administration, and the preliminary results obtained by Whistleblower Reward Protection in the current implementation of Whistleblower Reward Protection, and discusses the establishment of reward and protection for Whistleblower New mechanisms, improve food and drug regulatory reporting reward system, improve administrative efficiency, give full play to reporting and rewarding the social co-governance role.
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