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我国的经济建设正步入完善的市场经济体制的轨道,市场经济下的效益原则被提到相当的高度,司法制度建立在市场经济基础之上。必然要求司法资源的配置具有高效益。因此。司法体制改革的一个重要目标是实现效率价值,即从多种效率差异的制度结构中选择社会净成本最小收益最大司法资源配置方式。以“司法万能“的大司法观念误导民众司法机关的设立的前提在于社会纠纷的客观存在和摩擦的不可避免,克服社会摩擦必须付出一定的资源消耗,才能使法律创设的目标价值由应然状态转化为实然状态。民事诉讼程序中也不可能在成本为零的条件下实现公正。这种实际支出的资源消耗就是诉讼的直接投入成本。诉讼的 The economic construction of our country is moving into the track of a sound market economy system. The principle of efficiency under the market economy is mentioned at a considerable height. The judicial system is based on the market economy. Inevitably requires the allocation of judicial resources with high efficiency. therefore. An important goal of the reform of the judicial system is to realize the value of efficiency, that is, to choose the mode of allocation of the maximum judicial resources with the minimum social net cost from the institutional structures with different efficiency differences. The precondition of misleading the establishment of judicial organs of the people with the concept of ”judicial omnipotence" lies in the fact that the objective existence and friction of social disputes are unavoidable. To overcome the social friction, some resources must be expended to make the target value of law creation from The state transitions to the true state. It is also impossible to achieve fairness under the conditions of zero cost in civil proceedings. The consumption of resources for such actual expenditures is the direct investment cost of litigation. Litigation
The self-assembly of a flexible bipyridyl ligand 2,2?-bis(4-pyridylmethyle- neoxy)-1,1?-biphenylene (4,4?-bpp) with cobalt(II) center gave rise to a one-dimensi
The devastating Wenzhou train crash has a mixed impact on the Chinese economy and industries associated with high-speed trains While China mourns the lives lost
对放射治疗的 175例T_3和 T_4期鼻咽癌进行临床分析.根据临床表现、CT扫描和 X线检查按长沙会议分期法进行原发灶 T分期.T_3和 T_4期 5 年生存率分别为31.6%(6/19)和19.5%(22
4月18日,一个春天的日子,因为16年前的一个重大事件,从此变得不同凡响。这一天,党中央、国务院正式宣布开发开放浦东; 这一天,被永远地载入了中国改革开放的史册。春华秋实。
这一天  生命的乐章  在母亲的挣扎  我的哭泣中奏响  从此生活的腳步  犹如琴键的节拍  弹奏起来  当眼睛  被一次次烛光的幻影  丢失来时的路时  偶尔回头  也只是  梦里故乡。