
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lincon
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70、80年代黄河输沙量明显减少,引起了社会有关部门的高度重视。本文在分析、汇总黄河上、中游30多条主要交流水沙变化及其原因研究成果的基础上,对成果进行调整和补充,提出了80年代黄河三门峡水库以上流域水利、水土保持措施的减沙作用研究成果:采用水文法计算结果是,实测年均减沙量为9.049亿t,计算年均减沙量为11.806亿t,其中降雨偏小影响的减沙量为4.078亿t,水利措施的年均减沙量为2.514亿t,水土保持措施年均减沙量为5.214亿t;水保祛计算年均减沙量为11.577亿t,其中水土保持措施的年均减沙量为4.985亿t。 In the 1970s and 1980s, the amount of sediment transport in the Yellow River decreased significantly, arousing great attention from relevant departments of the society. Based on the analysis and summary of the research results of more than 30 major changes in water and sediment distribution in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River and their causes, the paper adjusts and supplements the results and puts forward the sediment reduction measures for water conservancy and soil and water conservation in the basin above the Sanmenxia reservoir in the 1980s Effect Research results: The hydrological calculation results show that the measured annual average sediment reduction is 904.9 million tons, and the annual average sediment reduction is 1.186 billion tons. Among them, the amount of sediment reduction affected by the small rainfall is 4.078 The annual average sediment yield of water conservancy measures is 251.4 million tons, and the annual average sediment yield of soil and water conservation measures is 521.4 million tons. The annual average sediment yield of the water and soil conservation measures is 11.577 billion tons, of which The annual sediment reduction measures for water and soil conservation are 498.5 million tons.
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