放宽政策 锐意改革 积极发展个体造林

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1984年乌盟认真贯彻中央(84)一号文件和自治区放宽林业政策的十条决定精神。解放思想,放宽政策,清除“左”的影响,把四百九十万亩宜林“三荒”地划拨到户,把二百一十万亩集体林木作价和无偿归户后,调动了广大农民的积极性,个体造林出现了十个好势头。 1、个体造林成倍增长。全盟造林二百一十五万亩。其中个体造林就有一百六十四万亩,占百分之七十七,第一次突破了百万亩大关,与1983年相比增加一倍,而且造林质量好于往年。 2、林业专业户迅速发展。林业专业户在1983年一万八千五百户的基础上,发展到三万一千户,其中千亩造林大户就有一百二十五户。 3、林业专业户大胆投资,进行荒山造林,向开发性生产发展。兴和县农民自 In 1984, the Uygur conscientiously implemented the central government’s (84) No.1 document and the ten determinants of the liberalization of forestry policy in the autonomous region. Emancipate the mind, relax the policy, clear the influence of “the left”, allocate 4.9 million mu of “three deserts” of Yilin to households, mobilize the vast The initiative of peasants and individual afforestation ten good momentum. 1, individual afforestation multiplied. All-Union afforestation 2.15 million mu. Among them, there are 1.64 million mu of afforestation individuals, accounting for 77% of the total afforestation, breaking the million-mu mark for the first time, doubling the figure of 1983 and afforestation quality is better than in previous years. 2, forestry households rapid development. On the basis of 18,500 forestry households in 1983, the number of forestry specialists has grown to 31,000, of which 125 are large afforestation households. 3, forestry professionals bold investment, afforestation on barren hills, to the development of the development of production. Xinghe County farmers since
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