
来源 :四川戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cumtzhanglei
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大学生是国家的未来,综合素质高低决定国家和民族的希望。戏曲历史悠久,博大精深,融文学、诗歌、音乐、舞蹈、美术、武术等多种艺术于一体,既具有丰富的文化内涵,又具有生动的育人功能。这份丰厚而珍贵的文化,是培养大学生综合素质的最好资源。但戏曲在大学生面前“知音少”却是不争的现实,笔者根据大学生现状,从史学渊源角度引出戏曲寓教于乐的作用,并指出提高大学生综合素质的具体途径:因势利导,培养学生兴趣;发掘戏曲文化内涵,培养大学生人文情怀;在比较中学习戏曲,提高大学生艺术审美力;在艺术实践中培养大学生综合力以及创新力。 College students are the country’s future, the overall quality of the decision of the country and the nation’s hope. The drama has a long history, broad and profound, integrating literary, poetry, music, dance, art, martial arts and other arts in one, both rich cultural connotations, but also has a vivid educational function. This rich and precious culture is the best resource to cultivate the overall quality of college students. However, it is an indisputable reality that the drama is less known to the undergraduates. According to the status quo of the undergraduates, the author draws the function of entertaining and entertaining the opera from the perspective of historical origin and points out the concrete ways to improve the overall quality of the undergraduates. ; Excavating the cultural connotation of opera and cultivating college students’ humane feelings; learning opera in comparison to improve the artistic aesthetic ability of college students; cultivating the comprehensive ability and innovative ability of college students in artistic practice.
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