
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yupucn
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自1991年秋季起,上海、浙江等发达地区的部分中小学率先在全国试行新的课程方案,并在杨浦区、闵行区的29所中小学分别试行了中小学文科综合课程的课程试验。随后的几年,在全国就有30多个课程改革实验区应运而生,并试行了新一轮课程改革实验。其中包括长沙市开福区的课改实验区。该区中小学都取消了政治、历史、地理分科课程,开设综合型的《历史与社会》课(以下简称为《社会》课)。综合型的《社会》课与分科型的历史、地理课相比,对学生掌握基础知识、基本技能,发展思维能力,以及在学习兴趣、学习态度等方面的影响怎 Since the fall of 1991, some elementary and junior high schools in Shanghai, Zhejiang, and other developed regions have taken the lead in piloting new curriculum programs nationwide, and trials have been conducted in 29 primary and secondary schools in Yangpu District and Minhang District respectively. In the following years, there were more than 30 curriculum reform experimental areas in the country came into being, and a new round of curriculum reform experiment was implemented. Including the Kaifu District of Changsha, the curriculum reform experimental area. Both primary and secondary schools in the district have canceled political, historical, and geographic subject courses, and they have created a comprehensive “history and society” class (hereinafter referred to as “social class”). Compared with the historical and geography classes in the comprehensive “Social” class, how do students have basic knowledge, basic skills, ability to develop thinking, and interest in learning, learning attitude, etc.
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The purification of metallurgical-grade silicon (MG-Si) has been investigated during electron beam melting (EBM) process. The results show that the phosphorus,
本研究旨在确定不明原因的慢性肝病患者的流行病学,并评价用PCR检测HCVRNA能否在抗-HCV阴性的原因不明的慢性肝病患者中提高HCV感染的诊断率。 1990年5月~1993年5月间调查的5
哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院教授林淑静成功治愈13例狂犬病病发患者,在医学界引起轰动。狂犬病是人畜共患的世界性传染病, Lin Shujing, the first affiliated hospital of
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