服部善郎,出生于1929年,日本神奈川县横浜人。9岁上小学三年级时初次在横浜港体验了投钓后,钓鱼便成为他相伴一生不可或缺的爱好。从早稻田大学法学系毕业后,步入影视界,在1962 ̄1964年间,作为导演兼主演制作了《日本钓鱼》一片。后由于他高超的钓鱼技术,应邀在1965 ̄1978年参加了日本电视台的晚间连续节目,在《11点钓鱼》中以“服部名人”出现,为广大钓友解答疑难,深受大家的喜爱,为钓鱼运动的普及和推广作出了杰出的贡献。现在为JGFA名誉会员。
Hattori Takashi, born in 1929, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. At the age of 9, when I was in third grade in Yokohama for the first time, I realized that fishing had become an indispensable hobby for him all along. After graduating from the department of law at Waseda University, he entered the film industry and made “Japanese Fishing” as a director and starring actor from 1962 to 1964. After his superb fishing techniques, he was invited to participate in the evening series of Japanese television programs from 1965 to 1978, and appeared in “Eleven Fishing” as a “service ministry” Love, for the popularization and promotion of fishing has made an outstanding contribution. Now honorary member of JGFA.