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伊拉克战争前后贯穿着复杂的民族、宗教因素。就美国而言 ,一方面布什把伊拉克战争看成是捍卫以美国为代表的基督教文化和美国式民主的战争 ,另一方面美利坚民族也将伊拉克战争视为“改造世界”的宏伟计划的步骤之一。而伊拉克国内宗教派别与民族间的矛盾也在一定程度上促使伊拉克难以共同对敌 ,在战争中速败。除伊拉克之外的中东国家则由于伊斯兰教传统观念而在伊拉克战争的立场问题上陷入两难境地。对伊拉克战争中民族、宗教因素的分析也给予我们颇多启示。 Before and after the Iraq war runs through complex ethnic and religious factors. As far as the United States is concerned, on the one hand, Bush sees the Iraq war as a war to defend the Christian culture represented by the United States and the American-style democracy. On the other hand, the American nation also views the Iraq war as a step toward the grand plan of “transforming the world.” one. However, the contradictions among the religious sects and ethnic groups in Iraq have also, to a certain extent, contributed to the difficulty of Iraq in fighting the enemy together and its defeat in the war. Middle East countries other than Iraq are in a dilemma due to the traditional Islamic concept of the position of the Iraq war. Analysis of ethnic and religious factors in the war in Iraq also gave us a lot of inspiration.
This paper proposes a model of neural networks consisting of populations of perceptive neurons, inter-neurons, and motor neurons according to the theory of stoc
<正>The longitudinal oscillationof a nonlinear elastic rod with lateral inertia are studied.A nonlinear wave equation is derived.The equation is solved by the m