Cloning of Proteinase Inhibitor Gene StPI in Diploid Potato and Its Expression Analysis

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mumurong
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A full-length cDNA of proteinase inhibitor gene with completed open reading frame of 116 amino acids was cloned from Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) resistant potato leaves using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method and designated as StPI. BLAST search against NCBI showed that the StPI gene shared 89% identity with potato proteinase inhibitor I precursor in nucleotide and 74% in amino acid. Analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that this gene was induced by Rs as well as up-regulated by jasmonic acid (JA). The StPI gene expression reached the highest level during 6-12 h post Rs-inoculation or JA-treatment,and then leveled off. Moreover,this gene was strongly induced by JA and its mRNA accumulation increased more quickly than that of Rs-inoculation. The StPI gene may play a role in potato resistance against Rs. The induction of StPI by Rs invasion may have a similar signal transduction pathway with JA treatment. A full-length cDNA of proteinase inhibitor gene with completed open reading frame of 116 amino acids was cloned from Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) resistant potato leaves using the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) method and designated as StPI. BLAST search against NCBI showed that the StPI gene shared 89% identity with potato proteinase inhibitor I precursor in nucleotide and 74% in amino acid. Analysis of semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that this gene was induced by Rs as well as up-regulated by jasmonic acid (JA ). The StPI gene expression reached the highest level during 6-12 h post Rs-inoculation or JA-treatment, and then leveled off. Moreover, this gene was strongly induced by JA and its mRNA accumulation increased more quickly than that of Rs- inoculation. The StPI gene may play a role in potato resistance against Rs. The induction of StPI by Rs invasion may have a similar signal transduction pathway with JA treatment.
摘 要:从2014年上海高校开始探索至今,“课程思政”已经有5年的实践探索历程,很多高校形成了比较成熟的模式,例如上海大学的《大国方略》、上海中医药大学《人体解剖学》等等。理论方面的研究视角也比较丰富,有的侧重研究课程思政的理论渊源,有的关注课程思政建设的路径,還有的就某一门课程详细介绍了课程思政的建设方案。文章利用“SWOT分析法”,主要研究了课程思政存在的内部优势与劣势以及面临的外部机遇与威胁