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柿树休眠期病虫害防治技术最近几年,由于柿蒂虫,草履蚧壳虫等害虫的严重危害和柿角斑病,干枯病(俗称枯枝病)等大量发生,使柿果严重减产,部分柿树树势明显减弱,有的甚至枯死。为此我总结多年经验,重点进行柿树病虫害防治工作,取得了满意的效果,认为在柿树休眠期彻底消灭害虫越冬卵或幼虫,消除病原是行之有效的,可以控制为害。1刮树皮树皮缝是害虫越冬的良好场所,通过彻底地刮除树干上的粗老翘皮,可消灭柿蒂虫越冬幼虫85%以上,刮下的树皮并结合冬剪将枯枝落叶集中烧毁或深埋。最好在发芽前完成。可有效地防止柿角斑病和干枯病的发生。2树干涂抹胶泥通过几年观察,黑枣树干翘皮缝也是柿蒂虫越冬的地方,越冬基数相当大。而黑枣树皮又不易刮下,因此可在黑枣树干上涂抹胶泥,闷死越冬害虫,效果极佳。3树干绑塑料布或涂黄油根据草履蚧壳虫的生活习性,于2月上旬、中旬在树干处先刮去15-20cm宽的老皮,然后紧紧绑上一层光滑的塑料布。如不用塑料布也可涂上一层黄油,可阻止若虫上树危害。刮皮和涂抹黄油时应注意不能刮及新树皮,以防黄油产生药害。4药剂防治早春对柿树黑枣树都喷3-5°的石硫合剂,萌芽前根施呋喃丹,可防治少量在树上越冬害虫。5填补树洞对于一些老树采 Persimmon dormant pest control technology In recent years, due to the persimmon insects, coccidae pests and other serious pests and persimmon Kokashu, dry blight (commonly known as dry shoot disease) occurred in large numbers, so that a serious cut persimmon fruit, part of Persimmon trees significantly weakened, and some even died. To this end, I summed up many years of experience, focusing on persimmon pest control work and achieved satisfactory results, that the persimmon in the dormant period of the pest overwintering eggs or larvae eliminate the pathogen is effective and can control the damage. 1 Bark Bark Slipping is a good place for pests to overwinter. By thoroughly scraping the rough old bark on the trunk, more than 85% of the overwintering larvae of the Sarcodin persimmon can be eliminated, the bark scraped off and the dead branches combined with winter cuttings Deciduous burned or buried. It is best done before germination. Can effectively prevent the occurrence of persimmon leaf spot and dry leaf disease. 2 trunk smear clay Through several years of observation, jujube stem kernicter seam is also the place of winter persimmon insect overwinter base quite large. The black jujube bark is not easy to scratch, so the jujube tree trunk smear clay, suffocating overwintering pests, the effect is excellent. 3 Trunk-bound plastic cloth or butter Depending on the life habits of the coccodes, scrape 15-20 cm wide old skin at the trunk in early February, followed by a smooth plastic sheeting. If not plastic sheeting can also be coated with a layer of butter, can prevent nymphs on the tree hazards. Scrape the skin and smear the butter should be careful not to scratch and the new bark, butter to prevent injury. 4 Pharmacy Early spraying of persimmon black jujube trees spray 3-5 ° stone sulfur mixture, before the root Shi Fufu Dan, can control a small amount of overwintering pests in the tree. 5 Fill the tree hole for some old trees
摘要 本文以黎锦晖的音乐创作为例,将时代性和民族性作用于音乐创作风格的角度,从创作者主体出发,介绍了生活经历、审美情趣和文化精神这三个主要影响作曲家创作的因素。同时我们在探讨中了解到,所有影响创作的因素并不是孤立的,它们是一个整体。在研究音乐创作风格的问题时,我们不可能将这些因素的影响分别对待,而是应该综合地进行分析,这样才能认清音乐风格的本质。  关键词:黎锦晖 音乐作品 时代性 民族性 生活经
作业成本核算为医院管理者提供了深层次的医疗服务成本信息.在此基础上,产生了一种以作业分析为核心、面向医疗服务全过程的成本管理方法,即作业成本管理(activity-based cost management, ABM).作业成本管理主要从作业、作业链以及成本动因3个方面对成本进行分析、控制[1,2].下面以常规生化检测为例对其成本控制过程进行说明。
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