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为了进一步开发利用外海渔业资源,实施向台湾海峡南北两翼进击的战略决策。漳州市海洋捕捞协调小组组织部份科技力量,先后对闽东北外海渔场和南海场渔进行了调研考察。特别是今年5月至6月上旬,对华南三省水产部门及海口,三亚、北海等重要渔港作了实地调查,获取了一些有益的资料。本文仅就南海渔业资源状况及其开发利用、发展前景作一综述,着重供有志参与西南沙开发的地区和大型作业研讨参考。一、南海渔场概况及资源特点南海地处热带环境,水产资源富有潜力,堪居目前我国四大海域中的上乘地位。按其地理位置划分,南海北部仅鱼类种类即在1千种以上;南海南部的鱼类,如金线鱼、蛇鲻、鹦嘴(哥)鱼、鲀头 In order to further develop and utilize the offshore fishery resources and implement the strategic decision to attack the north and south wings of the Taiwan Strait. Zhangzhou City, marine fishing coordination group part of the scientific and technological forces, has a fishing northeast Fujian and South China Sea fishing field investigation. In particular, from May to early June this year, field surveys were conducted on the fisheries departments of three provinces in South China and major fishing ports such as Haikou, Sanya and Beihai, and some useful information was obtained. In this paper, only the status of the South China Sea fisheries resources and its development, utilization and development prospects for a review, focusing on the participation of interested in the development of the Southwest Region and large-scale operation for reference. First, the South China Sea fishery overview and resource characteristics The South China Sea is located in the tropical environment, rich potential of aquatic resources, worthy of China’s four major maritime areas in the superior position. According to its geographical location, the northern part of the South China Sea is only about 1,000 kinds of fish species; the southern part of the South China Sea fish, such as golden thread, snakehead, parrot (brother) fish,
题目(2002陕西省)盛有相等质量稀盐酸的两个烧杯,分别放在天平的两盘上,天平恰好平衡.现分别向左、右两个烧杯中加入等质量的铁粉和铝粉,下列判断中正确的是: Topics (2002
经历了这次落选,席琳终于知道,笑容是不能吝啬的,她要让大家看到一个乐观、热心、充满亲和力的自己。 Having experienced this defeat, Celine finally knew that the smil
4 用地下连续墙法施工的地下结构为什么全包防水有困难,但仍宜考虑? 首先,以北京地铁采用外贴沥青卷材全包防水层的施工技术说明全包防水的概念。全包防水层除受自然气候影
本文描述沙海蜇(Stomolophus meleagris L.Agassiz,1862)形态与结构。 This article describes the morphology and structure of Stomolophus meleagris L. Agassiz (1862)