
来源 :蒙古史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastfoot01
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作者在1996年根据《旧满洲档》的记载,考订满洲—喀喇沁的建盟时间为1628年8月31日。据李保文影印出版的《十七世纪蒙古文文书档案(1600—1650)》所收爱新国对喀喇沁的誓词原文底稿边注,爱新国在1628年6月28日前写好誓词条文,送达喀喇沁。喀喇沁代表团将对爱新国的誓词拟好后,8月18日至爱新国,经双方修改,两个誓词条文终于1628年8月31日成文,双方订立盟约,将两个誓词的抄件烧毁,以此向天地发誓。从满洲—喀喇沁联盟誓词条文的边注可以看出,蒙古文原文文书对这段历史有着重大的意义。李氏影印本的问世无疑翻开了中亚历史研究的新一页。在该领域中,人们用科学的理论和方法,将终于抛弃无顾虑无批判地利用第二手资料的做法。 According to the “old Manchurian archives” in 1996, the author of this article decided on the establishment of an alliance between Manchuria and Harqin on August 31, 1628. According to Li Baowen’s copy of the Archives of the Seventeenth-Century Mongolian Documents (1600-1650) published by Li Baowen, Serve harqin. After the Qalaqin delegation’s vowed to pledge the love of the new country, on August 18 to love the new country, both parties revised it. The two oaths finally came into effect on August 31, 1628. The two parties concluded a covenant and delivered the oaths Copy of the burning, in order to swear to heaven and earth. As can be seen from the side note in the article on the oath of the Manchuria-Harqin League, the original Mongolian language documents have a great significance to this period of history. The publication of Lee’s photobook undoubtedly opened a new chapter in the history of Central Asia. In this field, people will eventually abandon the use of second-hand information without any worries or criticisms with scientific theories and methods.