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1998年3月5日,是毛泽东等老一辈无产阶级革命家为雷锋同志题词35周年,江泽民等党和国家领导人为雷锋同志题词8周年纪念日.35年来,中国的学雷锋活动纵横不断发展,雷锋的崇高精神,以其巨大的感染力,激励和影响一代又一代人,形成强大的精神力量,成为中国之魂的一个组成部分而走向世界.可以说,雷锋精神已经成为中华民族以及整个人类进步的宝贵精神财富.35年来,雷锋精神不仅在中国,而且在国外也得到弘扬,雷锋的名字已经超越了国界和疆域,世界上有38个国家和地区的人民用多种形式,多种语言学习雷锋,有1.4万多外国朋友和港澳同胞参观雷锋纪念馆.雷锋精神已被越来越多的国际友人所学习、赞颂. On March 5, 1998, the 35th anniversary of the inscription by Comrade Lei Feng, including the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, such as Mao Zedong, and the leaders of the Party and state such as Jiang Zemin, marking the 8th anniversary of the inscription by Comrade Lei Feng. In the 35 years since its inception, Lei Feng’s lofty spirit, with its immense appeal, inspires and influences generation after generation to form a powerful spiritual force that has become an integral part of the soul of China and goes to the world. It can be said that the spirit of Lei Feng has become the Chinese nation and the entire human race 35 years, Lei Feng’s spirit not only in China, but also in other countries have been promoted, Lei Feng’s name has been beyond the boundaries and boundaries, the world’s 38 countries and regions in many forms of people, many languages Learn Lei Feng, more than 14,000 foreign friends and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots visited Lei Feng Memorial Hall. Lei Feng spirit has been more and more international friends to learn, praise.
数千部移动电话被盗码并机 1996年12月5日上午,在深圳某公司工作的王先生拆开自己的移动电话单收费,映入眼帘的5位数的电话收费单把他吓了一跳:6万多元电话费!一定是移动通
AIM: To investigate the effect of long-lasting somatostatin analogue octreotide (Oct) injected into the third cerebral ventricle (TCV) on gastric acid secretion
这是一个有目共睹的现实:城市的大街小巷以及国道、省道乃至乡间小道上,时刻都能见到一辆辆颜色不同、造型各异的摩托车急速穿梭。 改革开放的不断深入,经济建设的日益发展,
AIM: To elucidate the significance of Doppler measurements of hepatic vein in cirrhotic patients and to correlate with liver dysfunction and hepatic hemodynamic
AIM: To compare the cleansing quality of polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution and sodium phosphate with different schedules of administration, and to evalua
AIM: To investigate the presence of Helicobacter species by nested PCR of 16S rRNA genes followed by the presence of Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) 16S rRNA, ur