碧波粼粼、治理一新的昆玉河(昆明湖至玉渊潭)上,两艘蓝色的小艇一前一后梭鱼般快速驶来,两岸人头攒动,呐喊助威声此起彼伏,喧天的锣鼓声时时从人群中爆起。7月28日,北京大学和清华大学10公里赛艇对抗赛构筑了烈日下京城的一道壮丽风景。 赛艇是国际公认的高校体育运动的代表项目,世界许多一流大学都有自己的“出海日”,在那一天邀请国外一些知名大学的赛艇队来参赛,那种天蓝海碧、百舸争流的壮观景象常常吸引成千上万人观看,其中不乏政界要员、社会名流。因此,出海日还常常成为学校举办募捐教育资金等社会活动的大好时机。最著名当属英国牛津——剑桥大学赛艇对抗
Blue sparkling, a new governance Kunyu River (Kunming Lake to Yu Yuan Tan), the two blue dikes quickly came after barracuda, both sides of the crowded, shouting cheers one after another, loud noise of gongs and drums Burst from the crowd July 28, Peking University and Tsinghua University, 10 km rowing competition to build a magnificent view of the capital under the scorching sun. Rowing is an internationally recognized sporting event in colleges and universities. Many world-class universities in the world have their own “Day of the Sea,” on which day foreign rowing teams from some famous universities are invited to compete. The spectacular flow often attracts tens of thousands of people to watch, many of whom are political figures, celebrities. Therefore, going to sea is often a good time to hold social activities such as fundraising education in schools. The most famous is the British Oxford - Cambridge rowing confrontation