Relay switched, scalable topology control for mobile robot networks based on motion synchronization

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:digitalmachineu
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A mobile robot network is said to be easily scalable to any number of robots if its performance is keptalmost fixed after these robots are added or some fail in the network. An interaction dynamics modelbased on motion synchronization is first established. Considering the mobility of mobile robot networks,we propose a relay switched, distributed topology control for the scalable network to drive newly addedrobots to the most suitable positions with more neighbor’s as well as self-heal the blank positions of failedrobots, and give a metric of the topology structure for evaluating the performance of network topologies.Then, we prove the stability of motion synchronization with the individual control based on Lyapunov exponent.Finally, the results of simulations have demonstrated the validity of the proposed modeling and controlmethods. A mobile robot network is said to be easily scalable to any number of robots if its performance is keptalmost fixed after these robots are added or some fail in the network. Considering the mobility of mobile robot networks, we propose a relay switched, distributed topology control for the scalable network to drive newly addedrobots to the most suitable positions with more neighbor as as as as-heal the blank positions of failedrobots, and give a metric of the topology structure for evaluating the performance of network topologies. Chen, we prove the stability of motion synchronization with the individual control based on Lyapunov exponent. Finally, the results of simulations have demonstrated the validity of the proposed modeling and controlmethods.
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