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情景教学方法是一种具有高度实践性的教学方法,该种教学方法在高职《管理学》课程中的应用具有较强的可行性。情景教学方法能够对学生在教学活动中的主体地位给予一定的尊重,将学生学习的积极性和主动性充分的调动起来,使得学生可以主动地参与到教学活动中去。本文就是对情景教学在高职《管理学》课程中的运用进行深入研究,希望对相关教育人员能够有所启示,促进高职院校教学发展。 Situational teaching method is a highly practical teaching method, this kind of teaching method is more feasible in higher vocational “management science” course application. Situational teaching methods can give students a certain degree of respect for the dominant position in teaching activities and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of student learning so that students can participate actively in teaching activities. This article is to carry out an in-depth study on the application of situational teaching in the course of “management science” in higher vocational colleges, hoping to enlighten the relevant educators and promote the development of teaching in higher vocational colleges.
Objective To investigate the expression and the distribution of Dickkopf-like1(Dkkl1)protein during the development of mouse testis.Methods Testes cD NA samples
本组采用2000u/ml的争光霉素溶液直接注射于胬肉体部治疗翼状胬肉104例,124只眼、效果较满意。药物制作与治疗方法 The group with 2000u / ml of bleomycin solution dire
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
故障现象:一台BJ2020型吉普车,在更换变速器第二轴二档齿轮和中间轴齿轮组后,发现发动机在怠速运转时,发出“咯楞咯楞”的响声,并伴有抖动的现象。踏下离 Symptom: A BJ202
Ⅰ. Strategic Concept for the development of EV and SFV The development of EV and SFV is one of the objective requirements for the auto industry in the 21st ce
《临床与实验病理学杂志》在连续多年入选中国科学引文数据库(Chinese Science Citation Database,简称CSCD)扩展库之后,成功晋级2015~2016年度中国科学引文数据库核心库。本