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  (1) The questionnaire takes__________ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.
  A. mainly B. equally C. approximately D. narrowly
  (2) There is a lot of discussion these days about machines of__________intelligence and their relation to human intelligence.
  A. logical B. unnatural C. official D. artificial
  (3) John was dismissed last week because of his__________attitude towards his job.
  A. rude B. casual C. regular D. common
  (4) Trapped by the police, the terrorists made their__________attempt to explode the bomb they carried.
  A. brave B. harmful C. desperate D. considerate
  (5) Anderson said his daughter slipped off the bank when he was__________his camera.
  A. shooting B. adapting C. overlooking D. adjusting
  (6) __________and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods.
  A. Bacteria B. Routines C. Scenes D. Phenomena
  (7) The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the__________building remains now.
  A. traditional B. available C. reliable D. original
  (8) One reason for her__________for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and airports.
  A. reference B. explanation C. preference D. attraction
  (9) My companion had no money with him for his bus , so I had to pay for both of us.
  A. fare B. bill C. accounts D. fees
  (10) Of course, body language can be misread, but many__________and actions are universal.
  A. gestures B. fingers C. figures D. shoulders
  (11) An understanding of human nature is the first step to inspire employees’__________in the workplace.
  A. courage B. benefit C. temper D. motivation
  (12) Do you subscribe to her__________view of the economy of the state, which she thinks is unlikely to recover this year?
  A. positive B. general C. pessimistic D. optimistic
  (13) It is not always easy for a school teacher to__________the students in order of ability.
  A. range B. require C. rank D. instruct
  (14) Many critics of modern education__________a return to traditional teaching methods which they claim were proved to be successful.
  A. advise B. confirm C. advocate D. submit
  (15) Being grateful is an art of receiving help gracefully, of showingfor every kindness, big or small.
  A. admiration B. appreciation C. presentation D. invitation
  (16) Realistic people usually prefer__________to abstract problems and tend to see the world in simple and traditional terms.
  A. concrete B. sensitive C. appropriate D. accurate
  (17) The need to__________what we mean by marriage is evident as we receive 900 e-mails concerning the topic in a month.
  A. clarify B. indicate C. reflect D. prove
  (18) I had been given a year’s leave of absence from my Washington law firm to study for a__________in law degree in Oxford University.
  A. literature B. headline C. regulation D. diploma
  (19) Little Gladstone took a piece of the candy from the box and tried
一  关于读书,脑海里闪现出的最美的画面是在休斯顿街头,冬日暖阳下,不经意的一回头,看到在不大的街心公园里,两个流浪汉并排坐在一个长凳上,一人手里一本书,低着头各自沉浸在书的世界里,破烂的铺盖卷随意地放在前面的水泥地上。花园里栽种的粉色花朵有些凋零了,然而在澄净的蓝天下这一幕却温和地显出异样的华彩。  周末常跟着搞慈善的人去Feed the Hungry(给饥饿的人提供食物),排队来领取食物的各色
日本国际咨询公司(MHRC)去年对全球144个城市生活费的调查结果显示,莫斯科的生活费名列榜首,首尔位居其次。与2005年的调查相比,首尔的生活费排名连升了3级。  按照美国《商务旅行新闻》发表的“2006年商务旅行指数”计算,首尔1天的住宿费用为567美元,在全球100个城市中居第3位,仅次于摩纳哥的蒙特卡罗和法国的巴黎。这一指数为美国职员在特一级酒店的住宿、饮食、清洁等综合费用额。以此计算,2
1. —What have you been recently?  —I _______ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.  A. have beenB. wasC. had been D. had gone  2. —Might I use you car?  —Of course you may. My car _______ thi
Attorney:What is your date of birth?  Witness:July 18th.  Attorney:What year?  Witness:Every year.  These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are the things people actually said
今年9月24日,在仁川亚运会女子跳马项目的决赛中,乌兹别克斯坦老将丘索维金娜摘得银牌。  丘索维金娜堪称女子体操的传奇。出生于1975年的她今年已经39岁了,是一名不折不扣的妈妈级运动员,在体操这项运动中,这样的高龄还能活跃在赛场上,不得不让人折服。  1991年,16歲的丘索维金娜就夺得了世锦赛的冠军,1996年亚特兰大奥运会后,她宣布退役,结婚生子。不幸的是,丘索维金娜的大儿子被诊断出患有白血
浙江最高音乐学府——浙江音乐学院将于今秋正式和同学们见面,一改浙江没有独立的音乐学院的历史。  位于杭州转塘的“浙音”建筑总体呈蝴蝶状,看起来就像一串跳跃的音符,每一栋建筑都带着音乐特有的气息:手风琴风格的体育馆、钢琴琴键式的宿舍楼、“五线谱大道”……值得一提的是,能容纳1200人的大剧院和能容纳800人的音乐厅届时将对外开放。为了便于学生练习,防止外人打扰,琴房需要刷卡进出。  “浙音”目前设有
D1-3:杭州出发,抵达上海同和国际留学生村,与外国留学生同住,并开始为出国游学“破冰”——了解美国的衣食住行、文化礼仪,通过场景模拟训练快速进入美国生活情境。期间参访复旦大学、同济大学等沪上名校。  D4:上海直飞纽约,抵达波士顿,毗邻名校入住。  D5:访问世界顶级名校哈佛大学、麻省理工学院,聆听高校学者的讲座。  D6:回到大都会纽约,参观“无畏号”航空母舰海空博物馆、世界金融中心华尔街,在
小妇人面目沉静如一枝牡丹,注视一场较量。一只飞蛾奋力划出最后一阕《雨霖铃》,死得壮观,惊动十方诸神。  她转过头,正视你的惊诧,眼睛硕大而清澈,能装下世间所有。远方,农夫在田里劳动,太阳与万物交欢,再远,世界无一处安宁,战争的炮火屠戮众生,希望渺茫。1941年3月28日美好的早晨,伦敦,乌斯河是尊贵的道场,注视并收容了这个59岁的女人。不断涌过来的水,犹如落木萧萧,逼迫一场永久的冬眠。静悄悄。  
相信在英国文学史上,《哈利·波特》系列无疑将占据一个非常特殊的位置。尽管它更多的是以童书或魔幻文学的身份亮相,但它的全球影响力足以与莎士比亚相媲美。据不完全统计,该系列的前七部小说被译为60多种语言,在全世界卖到了3亿多册。其中第七部的首发式被安排在了大英博物馆,甚至为了防止押运人员偷看,还特意给他们戴上了特殊的眼罩,如此高规格的礼遇足见人们对“霍格沃茨”(书中魔法学校)的向往。  我在英国访学期
经过三个多月的联调联试,2013年7月1日9时,车体锃亮的G7635次动车从南京南站发出,驶向杭州东站——这标志着宁杭高铁正式通车,从此,铁路旅客往来于南京与杭州之间不用再绕行上海,曾经超过三个小时的旅行时间缩短了一半以上。  这条在南京与杭州之间架起的直线高速客运通道,为沪宁杭“铁三角”补上了最后一道“金边”,也开启了长三角地区沪、宁、杭三地的同城时代,使长三角城市群成为我国高铁运营里程最长、运