
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(心脏病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Flying_wind
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OBJECTIVES: Few data have been published on transcatheter ablation of atrial fibrillation(AF) in patients with mitral valve prostheses. Thus, we sought to report our experience. BACKGROUND: Ablation is an effective treatment for AF. Patients with prosthetic mitral valves represent a special group because of an increased risk from the ablation procedure due to the possibility of damage to the prosthetic valve. METHODS: Between July 2001 and July 2003, 26 patients with mitral valve prostheses(MVP) underwent circumferential pulmonary vein ablation for AF. A matched group of 52 ablated patients without MVP acted as control subjects. After a blanking period of three months, a follow-up of 12 months was considered for MVP patients and controls. Holter recordings were performed in all subjects at 3, 6, and 12 months. RESULTS: Radiation exposure was higher in the MVP group, with fluoroscopy times of 35.3±21 min versus 20.9±15 min in controls. At the end of follow-up, 73%of MVP patients were in sinus rhythm, compared with 75%of controls. Atrial tachycardia occurred in six(23%) MVP patients, requiring repeat ablation in three, and one(2%) control subject, which settled without treatment. One transient ischemic attack and one femoral pseudoaneurysm occurred in the MVP group. No complications occurred in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: Ablation of AF in patients with MVP is feasible, with outcomes similar to those of standard patients. Complications were higher among MVP patients with a greater radiation exposure and a higher incidence of postablation atrial tachycardia. OBJECTIVES: Few data have been published on transcatheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with mitral valve prostheses. Thus, we sought to report our experience. BACKGROUND: Ablation is an effective treatment for AF. Patients with prosthetic mitral valves represent a special group because of an increased risk from the ablation procedure due to the possibility of damage to the prosthetic valve. METHODS: Between July 2001 and July 2003, 26 patients with mitral valve prostheses (MVP) underwent circumferential pulmonary vein ablation for AF. A matched group of 52 ablated patients without MVP acted as control subjects. After a blanking period of three months, a follow-up of 12 months was considered for MVP patients and controls. Holter recordings were performed in all subjects at 3, 6, and 12 months. RESULTS: Radiation exposure was higher in the MVP group, with fluoroscopy times of 35.3 ± 21 min versus 20.9 ± 15 min in controls. At the end of follow-up, 73% of MVP patients were in sinus rhythm, compared with 75% of controls. Atrial tachycardia occurred in six (23%) MVP patients, requiring repeat ablation in three, and one (2%) control subject, which settled without treatment. One transient ischemic attack and one femoral CONCLUSIONS: Ablation of AF in patients with MVP is feasible, with outcomes similar to those of standard patients. Complications were higher among MVP patients with a greater radiation exposure and a higher incidence of postablation atrial tachycardia.
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