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《影像技术》(在京)编委第一次会议纪要 1996年1月16日,在北京召开了本刊(在京)编委会议,感光学会理事长、本刊副主编王佩芳同志主持会议,出席会议26人。编辑部章爱芬、郝惠芳前来参加了会议。 为了交流情况,沟通信息.首先由几位同志做了中心发言;马长华正高级工程师扼要叙述了数字电视的进展;王素娥研究员介绍了卤化银微晶研究的最新进展;运志忠总工程师简要介绍了先进照相系统(APS)和专业品质洗印车间(Q—LAB);李铭高级工程师评介了数码相机及其多种功能。“感光化学与光化学”副主编齐志英在介绍参加国际科学编辑会议时指出:科技成果不发表就会消亡,科技编辑和出版对科技发展具有重要意义和导向作用。 会议宣布了本届编委会名单。会议明确:本刊是综合性影像科技刊物,坚持理论联系实际,贯彻“百花齐放,百家争鸣”传播和倡导先进的影像科学、技术和体系、促进我国影像科技事业的繁荣与发展;兼顾普及与提高,成为影像科技学术交流的园地。 编委们就栏目的设置进行了认真的研究,本刊将在传统卤化银成像体系的基础上拓宽内容,开辟非卤化银、电子等成像体系以及各种专业影像的栏目,注重内容的充实与提高。本刊将以综合性影像科技信息的新面貌奉献给广大读者。 Video Technology (Beijing) Summary of the First Meeting of Editorial Boards On January 16, 1996, a Beijing-based editorial board meeting was held in Beijing. Chairman Wang Guangfang, chairman of the Photographic Society and deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, presided over the meeting and attended the meeting 26 people. Editors Ai Fen, Hao Huifang came to attend the meeting. In order to exchange information and communicate information, firstly, several comrades made a speech at the center; Ma Changhua, a senior engineer, briefly described the progress of digital television; researcher Wang Sue-e introduced the latest progress of silver halide crystallites research; chief engineer Yun Zhizhong briefly introduced Advanced Photographic Systems (APS) and Professional Quality Finishing Shop (Q-LAB); senior engineer Li Ming reviewed digital cameras and their multiple functions. Qi Zhiling, associate editor of “Photochemistry and Photochemistry”, pointed out in his introduction to attending the International Conference on Scientific Editing: “If scientific and technological achievements are not published, they will die out and editing and publishing of science and technology have an important and guiding role in the development of science and technology. The meeting announced the list of editorial board. The meeting made it clear that: As a comprehensive video science and technology publication, this journal insists on integrating theory with practice and disseminating and advocating advanced imaging science, technology and systems to promote the prosperity and development of China’s video science and technology undertaking; ”popularizing hundreds of schools of thought" Become a science and technology academic exchange field. The editorial board members made careful study on the setting of columns. The publication will broaden the content based on the traditional silver halide imaging system, open up columns of non-halide silver and electronic imaging systems and various professional images, pay attention to the enrichment of content and improve. The publication will be comprehensive video technology and information of the new look dedicated to the readers.
DNA是一个神奇的东西,它寄托着人们对未来的憧憬,彻底解读它,我们就破解了生命的密码。而Draft DNA,为我们解读的是NBA选秀的密码。 DNA is a magical thing, it pinning th
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2010年《当代电影》的每期零售价应为12元,由于工作疏忽,第1期误标为8元,特此更正,并向读者们和有关发行单位致歉。 The current retail price of “Contemporary Cinema”