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用火和营居的发明,是人类进化史上的两块丰碑。没有这两个创造,今天的地球上就不会有高楼广厦,我们的食谱中也不会有美味佳肴,人类的物质文化生活就不会如此丰富。不过,读者大概不曾想到,人类既是物质文化的创造者,也是自身成就的一个破坏者。在史前时代,由于营居的发明,人类为繁衍生息不辞辛劳地盖起一间间茅舍窝棚;另一方面由于用火的发明,人们又受某种意念的驱使不知吝啬地把自己的住所砸烂焚毁。这就是我们要谈到的原始丧葬中奇特的房屋捐弃之风。在近代的南非以至整个非洲,盛行房屋捐弃之风。南非土人在每举行一次葬礼以后,就要把死者故去时所在的住宅毫不迟疑地放火烧毁,置于屋内的谷物、用具、武器、装饰品、护身符和卧具等等,同时也统统化为灰烬。嗣后,生者重新选一地点,辛劳积聚,另作新居。这种烧毁 The invention of fire and camping are two monuments in the history of human evolution. Without these two creations, today there will be no tall buildings on the earth. There will be no delicacies in our recipes, and the material and cultural life of mankind will not be so rich. However, the reader probably never thought that mankind is both a creator of material culture and a spoiler of his own achievements. In the prehistoric era, due to the invention of camping, human beings worked tirelessly to build a hut shack for the sake of multiplication; on the other hand, because of the invention of fire, people were driven by some kind of mind to stubbornly smash their dwelling Burnt down. This is the peculiar donation of houses in the original funeral that we are going to talk about. In modern South Africa and Africa as a whole, the prevalence of housing donation style. Every time a funeral ceremony is held in South Africa, South Korea’s natives should set fire to the house where the deceased died without hesitation and set aside the grain, utensils, weapons, decorations, amulets and bedding set inside the house, ash. Subsequently, the living person re-elected a place, hard-working accumulation, another new home. This burned
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